Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Magic May 27

I Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have laptop working,
Because it wasn’t for a little bit and I really did miss it. I appreciate my laptop! And I’m grateful that it stopped, which added to my appreciation!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for a washer, dryer, and place to hang drying clothes and towels in my house,
because it makes it SO MUCH easier to do it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my piano,
because I am so lucky to have it and right here in the house and it is all mine and I can go to it any time.

With all my heart, thank you for all those piano lessons my parents paid for
because that is why I can play. And for all those lessons I paid for, because that is why I can play so well. And for all those hours of practice because that too is why I can play so well. And for the recent two recitals because they added so much not only to my playing but to ME.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have summer coming,
because I really believe it will be a good one and more life-enhancing. I KNOW this!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for things in house being not as bad as I’d thought – maybe nothing is!
Because it is a MUCH better way to live like THIS than worrying all the time!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for enough coffee this morning,
because I didn’t feel like having to make it. Got to sleep too late after the phone call and mother-aide stress, and overslept by an hour, so it was a great good thing to have the coffee here already! Just enough! Wow!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for my feeling THIS way and not the way I felt yesterday morning, and also for the work I did to get here, but as well, for the magical universe goodness in it
Because I am thrilled any time I feel okay or better than okay, as I do right now! Many times in my life I didn’t. But I do NOW! And it is NOT due to conditions only, but is inside ME!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for all the problems I’ve had. It is hard to believe I’m saying this. But I am.
Because without them I’d have not gotten to London, I’d not be helping my mother so much, I’d have not gotten stronger, I’d not have my birdy boys, etc. etc. etc.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my job,
because it gets me going, it helps keep me sane, it enables me to give to others, it gives me a source of self-esteem, and it enables me to support myself.
Oh, thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

II Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.      Small meditation when falling asleep. Thank you
2.      Magic Rock practice. Thank you
3.      Felt better on way to mother’s. Thank you
4.      Dealt with very very VERY uncomfortable situation with aides at mother’s. Thank you!
5.      Re-found my grace and dignity. Thank you
6.      And strength. Thank you
7.      Felt better later than in morning. Kept going til (and after) I did. Thank you!
8.      Did laundry. Thank you
9.      Had sort of cute outfit on. Thank you!
10.   Did not look as fat. Thank you!
11.   Did the uncomfortable call with aide M and did not give in. Thank you!
12.   But maintained compassion and smartness. Thank you!
13.   Read a bit. Thank you!
14.   Talked with MA. Thank you!!
15.   Did not dump my problems on others, including A. Thank you!
16.   Came up with a way to be ok with something he did, that I may have at first misunderstood. Thank you!
17.   Made important notes for today. Thank you!
18.   Remembered the veterans and particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you!
19.   I did not overeat last night!!
20.   I had salad at lunch. Thank you!
21.   I played Chopin. Thank you!
22.   The birds were out a lot. Thank you!

 III Healing Relationships:
1.      J, I’m grateful for your help and support and encouragement when buying my piano. Because it has added so much to my life and strength and courage and music. Thank you!
2.      J, I’m grateful for the laughter and smiles we’ve always managed to have even now together! Because what fun! Thank you!
3.      J, I’m grateful for the hugs and the hand on my back which is so comforting. Thank you!
4.      J, I’m grateful for this hope now, because, you ever know… Thank you!
5.      J, I’m grateful for your quick math brain which has helped us many times. Thank you!
6.      J, I’m grateful for your taking better care of yourself, because I want YOU around for a long time. Thank you!
7.      J, I’m grateful for you finding yourself more, because that makes you happier. And it makes you more able in a relationship. Thank you!
8.      J, I’m grateful for all the times we had together with family and with friends because sharing them with you, and all your support, made those times so much better! Thank you!
9.      J, I’m grateful for us doing the retreats together, because they are enhancing my life even now. And I hope, yours too! Thank you!
10.   J, I’m grateful for all the times you helped me medically. Thank you!

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