I am grateful:
1. Today’s For Today: “What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” Jean Jacques Rousseau
2. “To paraphrase a well0known saying, I have met wisdom and I have met kindness: kindness is better.” I agree
3. “Wisdom is profound and we are impressed by it, but kindness is both profound and simple.
4. “It warms the soul long after it is experienced.
5. “Kindness is at the very heart of what it means to be human.
6. “If we are not kind to one another in Overeaters Anonymous, where, then, can we expect kindness?
7. “Whether we are abstaining and working he progress to the best of our ability, or we are not, we belong in OA and have a right to be treated with kindness.
8. “For today: Kindness to myself and others is a hallmark of recovery.”
9. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “Many of us begin our day with prayer and meditation . . . “OA 12 & 12 p. 93
10. “The time between sleeping and waking is when I stir up the thoughts in which I’ll marinate all day.
11. “Those thought easily revolve around who’s done me wrong and why I’m so helpless against their conniving ways.
12. “By working the Eleventh Step as soon as I am conscious each day, I become powerless – rather than helpless.
13. And just when I was thinking, I get sad when I try this. How SHOULD I do this, it says: “Upon awakening, I ask my Higher Power to change my thoughts from self-pity, dishonesty, and self-seeking.
14. “When I ask for help with my motives, I receive peaceful clarity in my thinking process.
15. “the clarity gives me more mental energy for problem-solving.
16. “It releases me from the sludge of judging other people”
17. and I hope from frear
18. “and helps me listen to God’s will.
19. “Today, this healthy spiritual condition allows me to react sanely and normally to food.”
20. And I hope life.
21. Oh boy. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “In This Moment, I choose my attitude.
22. “A positive attitude is a good way to start the day.
23. “How can I perceive events determines the quality of my life.
24. “I can stay stuck in self-defeating negativity or look at things positively.”
25. That’s why I now START with gratitudes. BEFORE CoDA magnets-feelings work even.
26. “For me, the choice is clear.
27. “I can’t change the past, but in CoDA I’ve learned to look at my experiences in a new, healthier light.
28. “I strive each day to see the good in people, places, and things.
29. “I am convinced that the quality of my life depends less on what happens to me
30. “and more on how I react to those events.
31. “I am in charge of my attitude.” (I want more info on how. I’ll make sure I get to the meeting Sunday. I think this takes time).
32. Today’s Language of Letting Go: …”It’s okay to ask for help.
33. “One of the most absurd things we do to ourselves is not asking for the help we need from a friend, a family member, our Higher Power, or the appropriate resource.
34. “We don’t have to struggle through feelings
35. “and problems alone.
36. “We can ask for help from our Higher Power
37. and for support
38. “and encouragement from our friends.
39. “Whether what we need is information,
40. “encouragement,
41. “a hand,
42. “a word,
43. “a hug,
44. “someone who will listen,
45. “or a ride, we can ask.
46. “We can ask people for what we need from them.
47. “We can ask God for what we need from God.” [I need to be clear on which is which]
48. “It is self-defeating to not ask for the help we need.
49. “It keeps us stuck.
50. “If we ask long and hard enough,” [ I must remember that]
51. “if we direct our request to the right source, [ I still feel I need to know HOW to know ]
52. “we’ll get the help we need.
53. “There is a difference between asking someone to rescue us and asking someone in a direct manner for the help we need from him or her.” Huge.
54. “We can be straightforward and let others choose whether to help us or not.
55. “If the answer is no, we can deal with that.
56. “It is self-defeating to hint,
57. “whine,
58. “manipulate,
59. “or coerce help out of people.” This is important, each one.
60. “It is annoying to go to people as a victim” [Oh, I really needed to see this this morning. I really need this reminder especially when I’m feeling so weak internally.]
61. “It is annoying to go to people as a victim and expect them to rescue us.
62. “It is healthy to ask for help when help is what we need.
63. ‘My problem is shame,’ said one woman. ‘I wanted to ask for help in dealing with it, but I was too ashamed. Isn’t that crazy?’
64. “We who are eager to help others can learn to allow ourselves to receive help.
65. “We can learn to make clean contracts about asking for and receiving the help we want and need.
66. “Today, I will ask for help if I need it –
67. “from people and my Higher Power.
68. “I will not be a victim, helplessly waiting to be rescued.
69. “I will make my request for help specific, to the point, and I will leave room for the person to choose whether or not to help me.
70. “I will not be a martyr any longer by refusing to et the help I deserve
71. I’m so grateful that K. gave me this book.
72. “and I will leave room for the person to choose whether or not to help me.
73. “I will not be a martyr and longer by refusing to get the help I deserve in life – the help that makes life simpler
74. “God, help me let go of my need to do everything alone.
75. “Help me use the vast Universe or resources available to me.”
76. I’m glad I e-mailed J what I did. It wasn’t victimy, it took my own responsibility, it was honest, and it was short. And it was even before I read this.
77. “I’m grateful for the show “The Nanny” in the mornings. It cheers me up.
78. That I see things more clearly than I used to. Not through a haze/fog of phobia, fear, and like smoke. I think that’s partially from eating real foods. And partially from growth.
79. That it’s Friday.
80. That I do get sleep.
81. I don’t feel it, but I’m grateful that there’s a chance that maybe I’ll be okay.
82. I’m grateful that I’ve never been shot.
83. I’m grateful that animals usually like me.
84. I’m grateful that my aides like me.
85. I’m grateful that I’m not alone in cyber-space.
86. I’m grateful for water
87. And a toilet
88. And sinks
89. And wood.
90. And trees.
91. And grass
92. And earth underneath my feet.
93. And beaches
94. And sand
95. And light in the daytime
96. And dishes
97. And forks
98. And knives
99. And spoons
100. And glasses
101. And cups
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