For Today:
"I love you. I bless you. I release you to your own indwelling presence of God." Author unknown
I am sooooo tired. But I am typing this all out, so it may help someone reading here.
"It is nothing less than a complete turnabout that this program brings into being. It gives me the amazing ability to release the people I love; to detach myself from their pain and turmoil and suffering, and turn them over in love to that same Power within that is directing me.
This act of release, performed daily in a moment of quiet prayer, exerts incredible influence on those I would help. I say and do only what is necessary to attend to my everyday responsibilities, showing the love I feel and radiating the calmness and peace that come from giving up control.
For today: I turn over responsibility for the lives of others to the same Highter Power within each of them that manages my own life.
Voices of Recovery:
" . . . I would if I could, my friend, but - as it is for me - the problem is within . . . I am completely honest in taking stock of myself so I can learn why i feel as I do about myself." For Today p. 277
"It seems that for most of my life I have been searching for the answer book. In school, there was always one definitive answer, and the teacher had all the answers. unfortunately, in life there is no one right or wrong way to do something. There are no answer books. Yet some experts believe that their book or product will solve whatever my current problem may be.
I finally realized that I have been searching in all the wrong places. No one has my answers; they don't even know what the question is. I believe that all my answers are within me. The difficulty lies in looking within, something I'm incapable of doing alone. I need the love, help, and support from other. What I have been looking for is not the answer, but the question."
In This Moment:
"In This Moment, I believe.
"Just for today:
I believe in myself.
I'm honest with myself and others.
I'm responsible for my actions.
Just for today:
I love myself. I am enough.
I let go of what I cannot control.
I let others own their own stuff.
Just for today:
God is in control.
I'm on the right path.
Life is good."
Language of Letting Go:
"Don't panic!
If panic strikes, we do not have to allow it to control our behaviors. Behaviors controlled by panic tend to be self-defeating. No matter what the situation or circumstance, panic is usually not a good foundation. no matter what the situation or circumstance, we usually have at least a moment to breathe deeply and restore our serenity and peace.
We don't have to do more than we can reasonably do - - - ever! We don't have to do something we absolutely cannot do or cannot learn to do!
This program, this healthy way of life we are seeking, is built on a foundation of peace and quiet confidence - in ourselves, in our Higher Power, in the recovery process.
Do not panic. That takes us away from the path. Relax. Breathe deeply. Let peace flow through our body and ind. From this base, our Source shall supply the necessary resources.
Today, I will treat panic as a separate issue that needs immediate attention. I will refuse to allow panicky thoughts and feelings to motivate me. Instead, I will let peace and trust motivate my feelings, thoughts, and behaviors."
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