I am grateful:
1. I am warm
2. And dry
3. I woke up
4. I felt doggie against me through the night
5. I am breathing better today. Yesterday my chest hurt and my breathing was hard. But – it could have been allergies. But the truth is, I was concerned. And I’m so grateful that I’m breathing better today.
6. O becomes a citizen Friday.
7. I am invited, though I’m not sure I can go because of some transportation phobias. I’ll see.
8. Eyeglasses
9. Today’s For Today: “Only one person can make me do what I am capable of doing: myself.
10. “But I need as much support as I can get from friends, sponsors and every single one of the OA members who go to meetings week after week.”
11. I’m grateful for the thought that I will go to more meetings.
12. And that I’m still eating well.
13. “It is important to be clear in my mind that other people have only their love and support to give to inspire me to work the program and to achieve abstinence; they cannot do these things on my behalf.
14. “The strongest and most dependable support I have is my Higher Power,
15. “which is there for me at all times
16. “and whose will for me is to do the best I can.
17. “For today: I am putting my God-given abilities to more and better use in this program,
18. “thanks to the presence of God in my life
19. “and of my fellow OAs who are following the same path.
20. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “The Twelfth Step invites us to continue the journey one day at a time for the rest of our lives.
21. “We need to keep moving forward in recovery,
22. “keep developing our spiritual consciousness, if we are to remain spiritually awake and fully alive.” OA 12 & 12 p. 100
23. J says he’s coming by today to fix the vacuum and food processor. That’s nice of him.
24. The furnace. I’m so glad I have the new, working furnace
25. And the hot water working again too.
26. Back to Voices of Recovery: “there is one fear that I hope my Higher Power never relieves me of: the fear of complacency.
27. “Several times I’ve come into this program full of pain and despair. And then later I’ve left cocky, convinced I was cured. Two things have led to my downfalls: the refusal to surrender to Step One and complacency.
28. “Today I’m convinced that I’m powerless over food,
29. “and if I allow complacency in my program, my life will become unmanageable.
30. “When I don’t take time to read the literature, make phone calls, provide service, or talk to my Higher Power, I have stopped moving forward in recovery.
31. “My disease has won a battle, and it doesn’t take many battles for my disease to declare victory.” I’m glad to read this. I need to hear it.
32. “Complacency is a powerful, frightening aspect of my disease.
33. “Each day I need to remember that this journey I’m on is full of hope and life.
34. “If I stay on its path, my Higher Power will lead me forward.” Oh I hope so. Okay, good.
35. Today’s In This Moment: “In This Moment, I am blessed with friends.”
36. I feel like MA and I are on each other’s nerves a little bit now. Partly because of her pill situation… but I believe our friendship will definitely survive it: )
37. It goes on to say: “At first I was reluctant to reach out and trust.
38. “I was afraid of rejection.” (I still am).
39. “Little by little, I tested the waters, one day at a time, one person at a time.
40. “I found acceptance.
41. “Trust developed.
42. “This is new behavior for me.
43. “My recovery friends share honestly.
44. “I admire their courage,
45. “strength,
46. “and faith.
47. “I keep coming back.”
48. Interesting. I was reading that in a CoDA book, but kept picturing my OA friends, particularly in the meeting where I have the treasurer commitment. It does show that to keep coming back is to get to feel it is home…
49. Today’s Language of Letting Go: “God’s Will.” Okay.
Glad to see it.
50. “Each day, ask God what God wants us to do today;
51. “then ask God to help.
52. “A simple request, but so profound and far-reaching it can take us anywhere we need to go.
53. “Listen; all that we want, all that we need, all the answers, all the help, all the good, all the love, all the healing, all the wisdom, all the fulfillment of desire is embodied in this simple request.” Really? Wow.
54. “We need say no more than Thank You.
55. “This Plan that has been made for us is not one of deprivation.
56. “It is one of fullness, joy, and abundance.
57. “Walk into it.
58. “See for yourself.
59. “Today, I will ask God to show me what God wants me to do for this day,
60. “and then ask for help to do that.
61. “I will trust that is sufficient to take me into light and joy.”
62. God, what do you want me to do for this day, and please help me to do it.
63. I am grateful for my hair.
64. And my eyesight.
65. And my ability to walk.
66. And the sofa and loveseat.
67. And the color red.
68. And that I get to work near a friend.
69. Trees.
70. And people who save them.
71. No-kill shelters.
72. That I’m a vegan.
73. Meditation. May I do more of it.
74. That so many of the kids love it.
75. That that child told us how she is feeling; otherwise how could we help her.
76. My ww materials.
77. Soon I’ll get to call my sponsor.
78. My clothes this season so far. (Except I need a coat).
79. That I read yesterday that it’s important to be in/look at nature for 20 minutes a day, and that’s just how long outdoor recess is.
80. Grateful about that for me AND for them. (Although I think we are meant to be in nature all the time, but that’s another story). Glad we have the recess.
81. A+ software.
82. Vacation time off is soon.
83. I managed those uncomfortable phone calls this weekend.
84. I will take my mother shopping tomorrow.
85. I will get my hair cut Thursday.
86. The bottom of my feet. The way they feel when I’m walking.
87. That I’m wearing a pedometer now, and trying to get more steps in.
88. That I even have a pedometer.
89. People who help poorer people.
90. When J surprised me by training doggie and we went to the show and she got her CGC.
91. That maybe someday I’ll be able to forgive myself for not being grateful and totally accepting while he was here. I believe that is possible, that forgiveness.
92. Electricity
93. Tv
94. That I cooked 4 batches of food yesterday. Even though I didn’t feel well. Wow.
95. And I did the laundry. Yay.
96. So now I’m set for the week in those two ways.
97. Sunshine.
98. Cumulous clouds.
99. Blue sky.
100. Treetops against the sky.
101. All the greens of nature.
102. Hope
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