So within about a 20 minute period yesterday morning, here's what happened:
Office person came to tell me my last conference - which is this morning - went in to the office yelling - yelling - about me. That the report card is all wrong. That I don't know her child at all. I am the wrong teacher. . . .I had to do a lot of defensive preparation for this morning, and I physically got a stomach ache over this.
Then things got bad.
Two little boys became very seriously ill last year. We were notified that one of the two is dying any day now. 7 years old. The other is doing okay, but has same disease and sees what is happening to his brother. this 7 year-old would be in our grade also, so we'll have to see what happens if/when the kids find out.
And finally,
A 7 year-old girl in my class, told aide and me that she hates her life and doesn't want to live. . . Of course I immediately went to principal (psychologist was out but principal called her) and girl's mother, with whom I later had a 40-minute in-person conversation. I believe appropriate steps will be taken, but still.
And then of course, hubby isn't here for me to hug or put head on lap or take comfort or even do anything fun with, take a walk, anything.
And of course Monday they were killing bears in New Jersey. Because WE have destroyed and taken over their habitat, so now "they're encroaching on us." Why can't we see the deeper problem? Why do we think continuing on and killing innocent sentient creatures is the answer?
I'm so sad.
Doing gratitudes though.
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