Saturday, December 24, 2011

So He Wrote in a Card for Me:

( a cute little doggie card )

and I quote:

Lynn, I hope you have a good Christmas, and I really do wish you a Happy & Healthy New Yesr. You deserve it
With love,
J(and his name)

It's hard to face that he really is done. Wow.

But I am trying to internalize that one doesn't really NEED someone else. Or romantic love, for that matter. One WANTS it. But that's different than NEEDS.

Still trying to grow.

Thank you if you're reading this.


  1. Well now, I don't know. I think we do need to be love and be loved. Sometimes it isn't the person we want it to be. However, when the truly right person comes along we wonder if the love we thought we felt was real. That is the case with me and my ex. I really thought I loved him, in a way I did but the love I experience now is true.

  2. I love you Birdie. Thank you so much for being there.
    And I'm so glad the love you experience now is true!
