Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Feelings Work

I feel, and I Think It Is Because: Rushed, because in my depression and emotional upset, I've let the house get really messy and fallen behind on laundry and sleep, and now I've caught up a lot on laundry but have to bring it all upstairs and straighten something and shower and get to work ontime... Calmer inside. Because I'm working things out with what *I * want to do with L or not. Tired - physically or emotionally, not sure - and looking forward to sleep tonight. In the bed. Sometimes lately I've been sleeping on the sofa. Happy and hopeful - because I can be anything I want! I *loved* who I was in the spring. I atill can be that person! Hopeful. Because of God? Next Time I'll Do Differently: Even a little each day to not fall so far behind? 5 Good Things about Me: 1. I do Gratitudes 2. I do Affirmations 3. I type out the readings each day, not copy and paste 4. I share them with others. 5. I still have hope.

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