Wednesday, April 10, 2013

So Much Better - and Could Help You if You Ever Sink!

Thank God for those birds.
I am out of raw like salad-type greens.
So I did some research to see what I could cook for THEM, as I didn't want THEM to go without greens.
And then I cooked up a pot of greens - 4 kinds, all organic.
And now, I have had a hot bath and am sitting here eating a bowl of those greens myself.
Granted, I do have some leftover garlic sauce form the Chinese broccoli in garlic sauce the other night, and I've put that on them (mine - not birds'!).
But am feeling better.

A lot better.

1. I had to remember for myself that getting sick, and being sick, and especially when alone,
causes me to go down a little. And if I can REMEMBER that, maybe I won't chalk it all up to depression and start to feel helpless next time... ?
But will also talk with dr. about it today just in case.
2. Sometimes, anti-biotics ARE your friends
3. Greens. Greens greens greens. More than I think I need. Every day.
4. Practicing piano helped too. Today I was up to it. And the thing is, I'm also grateful that I am a good friend. Because O. is DEPENDING on me to play in that concert! So I gave her my word, and I will do it.
And THAT got me to practice, which was good for me as well.
5. And it all STARTED from cleaning the birds' cage, because THEY deserve....

Thank you, God.

Hints to Anyone Hurting So Much:

~~ Doing things is always better than not.
~~ Schedule vacations so that you HAVE some days when NOT doing things. Do NOT have to spend money, or go away... Can be day at the park, or every Sunday, whatever. Even Thich Nhat Hanh believes in and practices ONE "LAZY DAY A WEEK," and all his monks and nuns too. And we all should.
~~ Eat what helps you.
~~ Do not eat what hurts you.
~~ Just do your best. Do NOT put yourself down every day. In fact, do not put yourself down EVER.
~~ Find something you love, or like, or that you loved or liked when were little - anything - and do more of it. Even try to do a little of it each day.
~~ Just keep up with things the best you can each day. And do NOT put yourself down. Just remember, every clean counter, every bath or shower, every healthy meal, every little walk, every phone call instead of tv, every half hour with people or even a book, every half hour away from IMing or tv (if you're addicted as am I), HELPS YOU!

Blessings to you, my friends.

And here, too:


  1. Hi hon, sorry you've been sick. Just noticed your comment about being addicted to im'ing, etc. Have you read "Hamlet's Blackberry?" It is a wonderful book. One of the things I read about is National Unplug Day. It was started in conjunction with Sabbath (I'm not Jewish), and urged people to unplug for 24 hours once a year. I've been doing it every first Friday for three months. Sunset to sunset. I unplug everything but the tv. So no phone (people are told in advance I'm unplugging and won't answer cell, only home phone), no games, no texting, no fb. Just reading a paper (gasp!) book. My office gets so organized and I'm so relaxed. The whole point, for me, is to 'quiet the people and noise in the air and just be.' I love it. Just one day a month...xoxo EJ


  3. Wow! Great info! Thank you! You do that? I'm so proud of you! Sunset to sunset First Saturday I could do! Or second Saturday of each month, and start THIS Saturday. Wow. I'm gonna do.
    I have missed you and love you always! xoxo

  4. Yes, I really do it. I send a quick email to my intimates that says I'm out, and I literally turn off the computer, the ipad and the iphone. And I don't turn them back on til Saturday night. And it feels so good!! xoxo
