Thursday, May 2, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I am happy.
2. Driving home, happy.
3. Couldn’t wait to see birds.
4. I feel free.
5. I will date soon.
6. I am okay
8. I feel hopeful.
9. It is May 1.
10. The weather is GORGEOUS!
11. I have been a GREAT teacher this week!
12. And the kids are so interested in learning
13. And ask questions
14. Great questions
15. And they are happy
16. And smiling a lot
17. I am grateful for being seen by those visitors today. And in such a nice light.
18. And my piano at school is working GREAT now! Mine is easier to play but theirs has a better tone.
19. So I love BOTH.
20. A (wealthy!) kid saw my car and called it, “Stylin’!” Ha! Cute
21. I stopped at health food store on way home. So grateful that could afford to.
22. Gave the birds milliet.
23. They love it.
24. Sang to them.
25. The loved that too!
26. Jewel came out but only for a second.
27. They are playing and dancing and singing now. So nice.
28. I am glad I said goodbye to L.
29. And no to S about the party. I don’t want to be with those people anymore.
30. Cage door open. Feels good.
31. Nice talk with older brother of a LOVELY former student this week.
32. My lilac bush has flowers on it now!!
33. As is my forsythia
34. And as are my tulips that J. planted
35. Yellow and red
36. And plain red
37. And all of those cheer me
This: Everybody does not have the capacity to receive your love! Too many emotional wrecks are caused by valuable people begging someone to love them or treat them with the respect that their love deserves; SAVE YOURSELF, do not ever reduce yourself to begging or fighting someone to love you. Don't you know that there are countless people, praying and pleading to God for someone like you? Your love DOES NOT have to beg -- your love is not only the wish of many, your love is Godly inspired, and highly desired. Don't you dare let the emotionally blind drive your love over a cliff -- "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to swine..." Stay in peace.
38. Fb page Art for ever
39. Nice hat with my mother today
40. Vegan pizza with olive oil
41. Might be an interesting meeting tomorrow
42. I get to share about Koko (the gorilla) with other classes tomorrow
43. I had good piano practice today
44. Mendelssohn
45. Rachmaninoff
46. Digital art
47. That I pay my bills
48. AND ON TIME. Phew
49. My teeth
50. My gums
51. Modern art coloring books
52. That I bought at the Tate. In London.
53. Ahhh that wonderful trip!
54. Mindfulness Meditation. (May I do it regularly again! : )
55. Good hospitals
56. That we may not need them some day
57. Niagara Falls with J.
58. And also with Ji lol
59. Now back home.
60. These kids
61. That they are SO enjoying the baseball stories they’re writing now.
62. That they are more like THIRD graders now
63. May 1! (Now 2nd) these here r from yesterday’s now that I’m at other computer I can see them)
64. BEAUTIFUL weather!
65. I’m a PERSON. For the first time in my life, I feel like really a PERSON. Since Apr. 23 when I realized how I really DO want to live, and now that I can breathe again, and am yet more involved with the children.
66. And, I have dumped L. for good. He hurt me the other night a lot and I wrote to him and said sorry it’s unfair but I will not even READ IT if he answers me. I will never answer a phone call or email from him again. I am done and this is why. And I not only defriended, but BLOCKED him from my fb. He has a MEAN streak and made frun of raped, tortured, murdered dismembered women, and then was cruel to me for not liking that. I feel – nothing but RELIEVED – about this.
67. And I wrote to S and said I will NOT be able to attend the party for his love, J. Did not even give a reason. And CERTAINLY didn’t lie. Said, Dear S, I won’t be able to attend th party. I do wish J a very happy birthday! And future! And thank you so much for inviting me, Lynn
68. And I feel nothing but RELIEVED
69. And today I write to A. And I say, A, I have liked being your friend I care about you; you mean a lot to me; I love you as my friend. But I will not be able to be anything else to you. If that means you do not want to be my friend, I accept it. I don’t look forward to it, but I accept it. This is the way it has to be for me right now. Thank you, Lynn
70. And – I am SUCH a GREAT teacher right now!
71. And – IU will have more time to spend with my budgies
72. And my piano
73. And outside. WALKING. Which I ADORE. PLUS it’s good for me
74. And my friends! Like MA. And M and her girls
75. And even guys – lightly
76. Parakeet books
77. That I take care of my boys (birdies) FIRST THING every day)
78. I had started these at school yesterday, but gone home and did 100 on my other computer there! So I’m adding to these now. It is now Thursday. I am so grateful that I feel so good!
79. The weather today! It is GORGEOUS! Going up to 72 degrees.
80. I just did the Koko sharing with the 2 classes.
81. They were great
82. I loved it too
83. I get to do it one more time
84. Energy. I am so GRATEFUL to have my energy back!
85. Especially of the birdies
86. Sex. I shall have some again. I think lol
87. MA
88. O
89. St
90. K
91. Our district budget passed. Phew. It is as conservative as we could make it, without losing a lot of services to children. So I’m so glad it passed.
92. Nice lunch I just had. Amy’s Indian pocket
93. Has spinach
94. Birdies have fresh new organic greens today
95. And EVERY day lately
96. Giving apples (organic of course) to the birdies. 2nd try. They are supposed to be SO good for them! My boys don’t seem to like them, though…
97. They BOTH came to me today, to my hand
98. Fb
99. YOU
100. My mother

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