Thursday, December 1, 2011


I am grateful:

1. Dr. yesterday
2. Pill last night
3. Not the depth of ocean-floor depression like yesterday and since Saturday and last night
4. Lost Word Document this morning, but it was a short one
5. Word Documents
6. Laptop
7. Typing and how it helps me concentrate. Almost always, even when can’t concentrate on “anything,” usually can a bit at least if typing.
8. My kinesthetic memory
9. My new microwave
10. That J. did it for me (I didn’t ask)
11. That he’s also fixing the vacuum (I didn’t ask)
12. That he called last night. I didn’t get the, but he called and that was nice.
13. Maybe I’ll be eating well for the whole month of December.
14. Today’s For Today: “All that is required to feel that here and now is happiness is a simple, frugal heart.” Nikos Kazantzakes
15. “Happiness is not a spectacular production, introduced with clashing cymbals and blaring trumpets.
16. “It comes quietly, unexpectedly to one who would not dream of chasing it.” Okay…
17. “Happiness makes its own terms.
18. “The world likes to think happiness is a corollary of success, fame and wealth, and that may indeed be true in some instances. The greater likelihood, however, is that happiness arrives as the unannounced guest of some humble heart.” I don’t fully understand this, but it’s nice.
19. Today’s Voices of Recovery: …”…the Steps were worded so specifically so that the meaning would be absolutely clear. After working through all Twelve Steps, my result would be to have a spiritual awakening. It would not be one of a number of results, it would be THE result.
20. “This clarifies what I am working toward when I go through the Steps to the best of my ability.
21. “I am trying to have a spiritual awakening which will allow me to stop eating compulsively, certainly the result I want from working the OA program.
22. “From that, everything I need in life will follow.”
23. Today’s In This Moment: “In This Moment, I appreciate myself.”
24. My dr. says I’m much too hard on myself.
25. It goes on to say, “I acknowledge my progress and accomplishments.
26. “I recognize my gains, large and small, by journaling them.” I guess that’s a good idea.
27. And “This process helps me validate how much I’m doing for myself.
28. “Rewards come as I work my program.” Promise?
29. “I see positive changes in my behaviors and attitudes.
30. “I communicate more clearly because I know what I’m feeling.
31. “At times, I feel flexible and relaxed.” Promise?
32. “I gain new insights, abilities, and skills.” Promise?
33. “I deal with problems, both at home and in the work place, more effectively.
34. “My thoughts are more positive
35. “and I rarely engage in negative self-talk.
36. “There is hope
37. “ – and evidence!” Okay.
38. I’ve gotten through some tings in my life that I was afraid of.
39. Today’s Language of Letting Go: …”Many of us have learned to block or stop ourselves from getting what we want and need.”
40. …”We may have to let go of our fears enough to experience the intimacy that will occur when we allow someone to love and support us.
41. “We may even have to learn, one day at a time, how to be happy and content.”
42. I am grateful for my blog.
43. And for commenting on a couple of others yesterday.
44. And whenever someone comments on mine.
45. And my online prayer community.
46. And clean hair.
47. And good home-cooked food that I did.
48. And that I don’t drink soda anymore, not even diet.
49. That I work well in my team. (I hope it stays this team).
50. Socks
51. Presents
52. Water
53. That I don’t have a dread disease.
54. That after a bad physical night/morning, my sponsor turned out to be okay yesterday.
55. Laughter
56. Friends irl and online who care.
57. And who help.
58. That I didn’t quit my dr. yesterday, which I almost did.
59. Coffee this am.
60. Heat.
61. Lights.
62. My mother.
63. Rest. I wish I could get some more right now. But I’m grateful for the rest I get.
64. Good vegan recipes.
65. Losing weight, may I continue.
66. Well cared-for babies.
67. That I got today’s report cards ready in time.
68. Eyeglasses so I can see well.
69. My eyesight!
70. Breath.
71. Water.
72. Birds. Birds, I love birds.
73. Maybe will be with doggie this weekend. I love her so.
74. Memories of happy times.
75. That I had those happy times.
76. MA
77. Sharing that beautiful quote with the colleague who wanted it for her daughter.
78. The quote itself, which is: “I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.”
Dr. Haim Ginott
79. And that I have it on my classroom door, and have for many years.
80. That one time, a grandmother walked in and said, “Oh! I love that quote. I got to study with him!” And we had such a nice talk.
81. When I was in the grade where we used to do Family History.
82. And I had so many family members come in.
83. And once J and my mother did too.
84. And once for a share too. That was so nice.
85. All the support J gave me when I had to play piano at that parent’s 40th birthday party.
86. And the card he had for me when he picked me up.
87. All the support he always gave me.
88. Uh oh. I hate myself right now. Back to gratitudes. Um. Um. Um. I’m grateful for money for gas for my car.
89. And tea.
90. And freedom.
91. And sunrise. Every day.
92. And the sweetness of my students.
93. And CoDA.
94. And hope. Hope.
95. And that I’m not alone in cyber-space.
96. And blankets.
97. And bookcases.
98. And trees. I love trees. Always have.
99. And indoor plants.
100. And whole-grain pasta.

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