I am grateful:
1. My new Spirituality and Practice course: Catalyst for Change
2. Getting up early enough, although at first I thought that was a problem, to start this morning.
3. Life
4. Hope
5. Breath
6. Voice
7. Eyesight
8. Kidneys
9. Heart
10. Kindness of others
11. Kindness of mine
12. Buddhism
13. My practicing (Buddhism) is better and better
14. My little house
15. My kitchen sink
16. My dishwasher.
17. And it’s working
18. My plants in the classroom
19. My plant here
20. My Koko painting
21. And its matting
22. And it’s frame
23. Reruns of “The Nanny”
24. Shows I haven’t seen before
25. Starting small. Eliminating 10 minutes of my tv time today
26. Dr. finally comes today! First time in a month
27. Two sessions today that outsiders are teaching and I don’t have to
28. And I get to read the fairy tale o both classes later
29. My vegan version of pesto. It’s delicious and healthy.
30. The loving way the class and I ended our day yesterday
31. Good books.
32. Spiritual books.
33. Getting along so well with the others in my wing.
34. Making the decision. NOT to request a transfer. (Three of the five schools are easier to teach at than ours, but I don’t want to leave my friends and I don’t want to start over and I don’t like those principals as much – at least two of them – and I could more easily be put in a grade I don’t like at all.
35. That before mid-March, I’ll let principal know why it’s so important that we stay in gr. 2 next year.
36. Good actors
37. Laughter
38. God
39. My lamps.
40. The one I’m looking at right now, with the river stones in it.
41. That the kids love so much touching the stones when we meditate.
42. Blankets
43. Pillows
44. Sheets
45. Beds
46. How much prettier the dark floors look now that I’ve down the two brighter rugs.
47. And *I * did that.
48. Prayer
49. Affirmations
50. Readings
51. This blog
52. Everyone who reads it.
53. All the good sex I’ve had
54. My first time with J.
55. Typing.
56. O
57. Wood
58. Trees
59. My oak tree. Mine.
60. Mother Earth
61. The beautiful song I’ve taught both classes about it: This Pretty Planet.
62. And the “We are all the leaves of one tree” song I’ve taught them both too.
63. My life.
64. That I’m not older (I’m old enough to just be learning these lessons.)
65. Innocent cartoons that kids like.
66. Innocent comic books that kids like.
67. Being more myself now.
68. My wedding veil.
69. Dell Variety puzzle books
70. Word mines
71. Spellathon
72. Exercising my brain in different ways
73. Math
74. My rings
75. My necklaces
76. My earrings
77. Less jealousy than I used to have.
78. Especially not of material things so much at all.
79. Cowel necks
80. Neck/face cream for sagging (I’m a sagger, not a sinker).
81. That I am still doing 100 daily gratitudes.
82. That when I got home yesterday, I did all my daily spiritual work.
83. A day off coming Monday.
84. Great packets to use today.
85. That I just made good plans for the day
86. That I’m doing M a favor, visiting her girls while she and hubby are away this weekend. We’ll go downstairs and do some crafts together.
87. Being asked to proofread so much by other adults at school
88. My secretarial experience, that helps me to do that
89. That I remember things like that
90. That I still do care about doing some things properly
91. And help the kids to too
92. And help them to be nice to each other
93. My daily meditation book readings
94. My piano
95. Doogie’s CGC (Canine Good Citizenship)
96. All the years J *was * so loving to me
97. That *adorable * 8 month old labradoodle yesterday and all my cuddles with him.
98. The student in someone else’s class who hugs me every time he sees me (I taught one of his older brothers and love that family and they love me).
99. The former students who come back, and love me and I them.
100. I just e-mailed my former 3rd grade student who is now a French teacher in our district, and she is going to come hear and teach me weekly!
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