I am grateful:
Typing an issue so will try short versions of things for which I’m truly grateful
1. new therapist today
2. did hard thing for mother yesterday
3. then felt great
4. had great visit
5. OA meeting good
6. Friendly lunch too
7. They like that I’m so open
8. Doggie still here
9. That I just watched and enjoyed red carpet last night
10. And some of Golden Globes
11. Just enjoyed
12. Too tired and cold to go out, - was out most of entire day but realized can do that girlie stuff
13. Lest fatigued. Dr’s approval to lower dosage by 10mg. Hope still won’t get depressed, since allergic to so many meds, but day two, so far so good. If I have to maybe he’ll say there’s some every-other-day high/low dosage or something
14. Still will see regular doc though
15. Life
16. Breath
17. Voice
18. Doggie
19. Mother going to physical rehab – yay
20. Got to her apartment
21. Went in
22. Was NOT depressing
23. Got her clothes and stuff
24. Couple of extras
25. REALLY wanted help with this but did it alone
26. Two trips up to her hospital room
27. REALLY wanted today off, but looking forward to visiting her
28. And bringing her her coat
29. And anything else she wants that I didn’t bring
30. Next weekend I *should * have Saturday off
31. Will call sponsor soon
32. Breathing well
33. Will get massage today
34. And really really really start saving
35. Because instead of Russia, maybe Hawaii – I don’t know how many years it will take to save for that, but it’s something I’ve always wanted
36. That I’m such a fast typist
37. That I’m still doing my thumb exercise
38. That I am so fortunate in a million billion ways, including having enough food
39. And fresh clean water
40. Even for the dog
41. Dog treats
42. Car
43. House
44. Fireplace – which I think I’ll use today
45. MA
46. M
47. O
48. St
49. S
50. ML
51. Ma
52. K
53. Tr
54. Jo
55. B?
56. Jo?
57. Those who made it out alive from the Italian cruise line
58. All the miracles in my life, including that I’m improving
59. AND feeling better
60. And have cleaned
61. And moved furniture
62. And pictures
63. And rugs
64. And have the sunroom now
65. J. even complimented it again
66. That I have the ability to make a living
67. And that my parents paid for college for me
68. And braces
69. And my mother, for my first car when my father died
70. M is getting stronger to do what she needs to do
71. She has many friends who love her
72. And will support her
73. And family too
74. Hope!
75. Will do laundry today
76. And make sure have enough food for week (I might already have it)
77. Beautiful architecture. Although I like nature better, it tickles me when things are put on architecture “just to delight the eye.” I mean, if it’s gonna be built anyway…
78. Hope about my eating
79. And my health
80. Eyesight
81. Strong legs : ) I love that I have strong legs.
82. I think I shall have a housewarming party soon. No gifts. But like, friends to come and warm up my home for ME.
83. Oh – yes gifts. Canned or boxed food which *I * will then make trip – or hopefully get so much it’s tripS – and bring to food pantry! Yes! I like that idea.
84. I will figure out SOMETHING to do about getting music into this house.
85. I can invite MA, ML, S, St, M, O, Jo, K, Tr, - Mar?
86. And I can even have another one and invite R, A, Sh, and maybe a couple of others from OA.
87. I will finish the book in time.
88. I MAY even be able to read here. With doggie on or by lap, and fireplace lit… Maybe. (Would be first time without J that I can stand to)
89. Although yesterday, the women were talking about “all the nuts out there,” I believe there are many many good people.
90. And that IF (!) I ever want to meet a nice guy, I can. I really do believe that.
91. And – I think that could influence it too.
92. That I do get 100 grats a day
93. That I am not alone in cyber-space!
94. That I truly believe I will get the garbage and recycling out on time this week.
95. Again.
96. Prayer
97. God
98. Buddha
99. Thich Nhat Hahn
100. My Buddhist necklace from M.
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