Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am grateful:

1. My mother agreed to go to the 2-week physical rehab
2. I think it’s because of the idea J had
3. Which I carried out, and that helped her decide
4. Because of her past, when the law allowed people to be forcibly ambulanced to psychiatric hospitals, I think she has a great deal of fear about someone forcing her into anything. But I have assured and reassured her that the law has changed, which of course it has, and SHE has ALL the decisions over herself. And she believes me, as she should. I think that is a relief for her.
5. The doctors, case manager, etc. have also reinforced this truth for her.
6. And I’ve reminded her that by choosing me and J as her health proxies, that ONLY means that IF she is ever unable to speak and a decision must be translated to the doctors, we TRANSLATE HER DECISION as she has written them out for us. We do not MAKE decisions for her. We would just be her voice. That it is NOT about what we would or would not hope for her to say – it is about HER wishes. We would JUST be her voice. She is very relieved by this.
7. Yesterday, she was being transferred to the nursing home for the two weeks, at about 5pm. I was going to stay out of it, so as not to “stir things up.” That was nice of me.
8. But, on the way home, I realized – she’s afraid. She doesn’t have a clue what to expect. We HAVE been told the place isn’t pretty… I believe she’s getting more and more uneasy. Why don’t I find out if she’d like me to come with, and settle her in… I am SO GLAD I did!
9. She was THRILLED!
10. And I spent about 3 ½ hours with her.
11. And – the place is beautiful – they’ve just redone the entire thing, last year. (J knew this place from bringing doggie as therapy dog a few years ago, and had said it’s good and the people are very nice, but it’s really uncomfortable to look at. Dinghy etc. But he didn’t know they’ve entirely revamped.} I know it’s not what really matters, but if it looked depressing, it would have been much harder for her. It’s hard enough with the condition some of the patients are in. But I’m grateful that the place is beautiful.
12. And the nurses and aides! They were like dancing, ____’s here. Welcome Mama________. And she was smiling all over the place.
13. And because J used to go at different times, and they have an open door policy, I feel pretty secure that this is the way they really are.
14. The neighborhood outside the grounds is not as bad as I’d expected, so I can park and walk over if not too far.
15. My mom was so very grateful to me, and I must admit, that felt good.
16. The nurses at the hospital were also amazing. She loved them. And they loved her (unlike some hospital stays when she was a pain in the – well, anyway: )
17. J gave me such a big long hug in the morning when I went to drop off doggie.
18. The things the new therapist has said are working for me so far. This is day 3. I am so very grateful. I feel like a miracle.
19. Jo, at work. She kissed me yesterday. I am so grateful for Jo. I love her.

Running very late. Overslept by an hour. Needed it. Will try to do all the work later.

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