Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am grateful:

1. 1/9 6:35 am. In this moment, I feel perfectly fine. Wow. Grateful for that!
2. 1/10 now. I just took the garbage out.
3. And – it didn’t worry about them not taking it. It crossed my mind, but I didn’t worry.
4. I did so well by the kids yesterday.
5. Later today I’ll visit my mother.
6. I’ve become a great writing teacher.
7. I’ve become a great second grade teacher.
8. My amazing new healthy pasta dish.
9. Still thinking about what I saw L. buy Thurs. I asked her yesterday if that was their whole dinner. She looked a little surprised, and said nonchalantly, “Yeah.” She and her husband each had one little – and one was really little – fillet of flounder and some fresh Swiss chard. Period. It’s interesting for me to see how some people without an eating disorder eat.
10. I had such a great piano practice Sunday
11. Next Monday I’m off.
12. Heard back from new temporary therapist
13. That gives me some hope
14. Got two phone calls this morning
15. So glad checked e-mail so could answer that new therapist
16. Have nice days planned for kids next few days – special
17. Am giving principal, who is suffering after intensive surgery and it will be 2 more months, my expensive necklace that she adores. It was a gift, and is made of pearls, which as a vegan I no longer wear. And she will be happy to have it. I feel good about this. She says, “Pearls are one thing, but *that * is a *piece. * It looks like it should be in a museum…” She goes crazy for it. Knowing she loves pearls, I the next day wore a much more expensive pearl necklace (this is all before I was vegan) and she said, ‘Yeah, but that other one is a *piece! *
18. So glad I got e-mail from Jo today too.
19. Managing somehow to keep up with corrections.
20. Now it’s after school, and at the end of the school day, when I was reading to the kids, I picked up on the page where the sub had left the bookmark. It was clear to me that it was further along than where I’d left off. . . After about 10 – 15 minutes (!) one child said, “You know, we’ve heard this part.” And I said, “Oh! Why did you wait so long to tell me?” And a bunch said, “Well, just keep going because when you read it it’s so much better.” That was nice.
21. But what pushed it over the top was that one girl then raised her hand and I called on her. She said, and I quote – because I ran to type it right away: “Mrs.____,
We didn’t say anything, because - I’m not trying to be rude to anyone else or anything, but - Whenever YOU read to us - the day is filled with light.” Oh, how beautiful!
22. I saw, up close and personal, today, and Australian tree frog. Oh, I fell in love with him.
23. And a beautiful snake with such lovely markings.
24. And some other really cool reptiles and amphibians too. (Class trip)
25. I visited with my mother after school today.
26. And I gave that lovely gift and she loves it. I think it makes her feel feminine.
27. And I had a lovely talk with our school nurse today.
28. And with another teacher, N, too.
29. And M. did me a *huge * favor and I’ll never forget her for it.
30. I’m about to start a new therapy next Tuesday. I’ll talk more about it at a future date.
31. I have some hope.
32. The weather was cool and great today, in my opinion.
33. I’m having a delicious and nutritious dinner tonight.
34. I looked pretty today.
35. I will take my mother either to Thai dinner or diner for milkshake Thursday (depending on what day her friend can come for the Thai food dinner).
36. I had wonderful Ethiopian lentil soup today.
37. My feet feel good. I don’t know why. Usually they get this feeling when it’s rainy out. It’s like, just a nice skin feeling.
38. Great talk with my sponsor this am.
39. Safe drive to work.
40. And to my mother’s.
41. And here. And yes, I truly am grateful for all of them.
42. I am searching out to see if I can find a bird that needs rescuing, whom I can rescue – and who can be okay when doggie is here, if that’s possible.
43. And she will be here for 3 days this weekend!
44. S. and V. still playing word games with me.
45. Right now we’re making as many words as we can out of “winter snows.”
46. All the tons of help and time and energy I gave A yesterday about finding books right for her
47. S in my class. I love her specially.
48. That I heard back from the new therapist today.
49. My doggie. Oh, how I love her.
50. That I had that first-ever-and-nice-little-chat with our crossing guard today
51. And with our bus driver too
52. That I wrapped that amazing pearl necklace
53. and wrote a lovely card
54. and left them both for the principal (who is suffering from surgery as I think I mentioned earlier). That I *did * decide to do it.
55. And it is on her desk waiting for her now.
56. And that I feel good about it.
57. And that I finally put on the shelf my gorgeous gilt edged… fairy tale book for the kids to be able to sign out
58. And the new one too
59. And that I raffled that amazing ream or something of paper
60. And they went crazy over it
61. That I remember so vividly when the guy at the beach bridge threw the roll of tickets into the back seat of the car for us when I was in about second grade,
62. And that I try to do things like that for them
63. And that I will make sure every child wins a raffle by the end of the school year
64. I will find a way to have music in my house.
65. That I did take the time this morning to do the dishes, and to make the bed and make sure everything was clean for when I got home. I was running late and was rushed, but getting home to it was so nice.
66. Open-minded people.
67. Healthy lungs.
68. Healthy, working brain.
69. Honest talks with people.
70. My wonderful (deceased) dad.
71. Dr. Phil, sometimes.
72. Dreams
73. Sleep
74. Strong, healthy teeth.
75. A healthy tongue.
76. Psychic people.
77. The moonlight
78. Evergreen trees
79. Swimming when I do get to.
80. That wonderful massage last week.
81. The clean desk right in front of me right now
82. My special friendship with M
83. That I’ve been on a cruise (many years ago)
84. Bright blue
85. Eyeglasses
86. Sunglasses
87. Elephants
88. Tigers
89. Giraffes
90. Birds
91. Paintings
92. Photos
93. Laughter
94. Breath!
95. Medicines for when I need
96. Some of the time I have alone (not as much as I have, but some)
97. That I am making progress
98. And STARTING to start to accept myself
99. EJ
100. Birdie
101. JJ

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