I am grateful:
1. It is still Jan 8 but I have to come on and start more gratitudes. I loved the weather today
2. I got to take my mother to the store
3. And I treated her to Welch’s grape juice. She loves that and we had it at the beach frequently when I was growing up.
4. And tomorrow I shall surprise her with lentil soup
5. And Estee Lauder stuff
6. And milk. I am a vegan and she is not (see no. 18)
7. And by next weekend she and her best friend and I will go out for Thai food
8. I did my shopping.
9. I am so well stocked.
10. And I do not have to cook up batches of things today, either. I am very very fortunate.
11. I even have two bottles of cheap brand flavored seltzer, with I like very much. This is a luxury.
12. I am thinking of rescuing a bird. IF and ONLY IF I can work it out with part-time living here dear doggie. I will NOT have a bird unsafe or living in fear, or a doggie living in frustration. But I’m going to look.
13. I saw MA at her house today.
14. And we visited.
15. And I helped her with her (obnoxious) paper work for her catheterization Friday.
16. And read a bit
17. And had lunch
18. And I came home and emptied some stuff from my car. I did not want to, but unfortunately mom’s second milk container leaked. I cannot stand (!) the smell of milk! So that gave me an excuse to get rid of the tarp on which the milk spilled. That tarp was covering some presents. So I brought up the presents too.
19. And then I actually thought, “Well, I’ll put away refrig. Stuff, but I’ll leave bags on the d.r. floor for presents and other stuff. ***But I didn’t! I put away every single thing. Yay.
20. And I *know * I will be SO GOOD to the kiddies tomorrow.
21. And soon I get to go to CoDA
22. And I can drive my friend who is also my sponsor (if she likes). Her car died.
23. I came home to a clean house.
24. And I didn’t depend on anyone else for it.
25. I feel like a whole person again. Yay. I love when I feel this. Remember when I thought I never would?
26. I will give MA an Amazon.com gift card. Because she really wants that (rather than like, a pamper-self package), because she finds it relaxing looking around on there for stuff.
27. And I found some stuff she needed, at her house, online, about the upcoming cath.
28. And I’m so grateful that I’m not a quadriplegic.
29. Or a paraplegic.
30. Now it’s the 9th. I am so grateful that I woke up and thanked God for the day.
31. And not exhausted.
32. And the dishwasher worked yesterday.
33. I drove sponsor/friend to the meeting. I’m glad.
34. It was a great meeting.
35. I relaxed a little afterward.
36. In a clean house.
37. Fresh coffee today ( I do leftover coffees lots of days)
38. Breath. So grateful for breath.
39. Fresh oranges and apples and bananas and pears in kitchen.
40. The red pear was *delicious. *
41. Much much more relaxing home now.
42. Didn’t wind up desperately lonely all weekend.
43. That I can still get around, move, use stairs, run a bit… easily. Some overweight middle-aged people can’t.
44. Healthy lunch and dinner already made for today.
45. Elephants.
46. Giraffes
47. Tigers
48. Siberian tigers
49. Polar bears. May we save them all.
50. Socks
51. Some exercise. It’s a start.
52. Heat. So grateful for heat, having not had it for a bit.
53. And electricity too.
54. The two books I “have to” read for school are good.
55. Nice little trip tomorrow.
56. The CoDA program
57. Locks
58. Keys
59. That I teach the kids in a way that takes away the “mysteries” from reading – I give them the clues, the cues, the keys. That it’s not magic someone else has and you don’t; it’s a *skill * and you *learn * it.
60. That they love tracing so much. That’s so innocent.
61. Maybe Fri I’ll play piano while they trace for a short break.
62. Maybe we can get through a breathing game this morning. I hope so.
63. Maybe I can have girlfriends here soon.
64. I’m thinking, MA, ML, St, S, O, M, B, Tr, JA, K, -Ma? Like a housewarming for me. (Not gifts, just a feeling of love in the house).
65. That I have these friends.
66. That I might start that new kind of therapy this week.
67. I will think of something to send MS today, and get it done!
68. Maybe I’ll see O next weekend
69. Or for lunch one day this week.
70. I *will * get the dreaded zoo trip stuff done. TODAY!
71. Seeing MA face the dreaded paper work yesterday wound up as an accidental inspiration for me.
72. Prayer
73. People who pray for me!
74. That I pray for others too!
75. The help I’ve gotten by that nearby churchy community.
76. The very deep breath that just came to me.
77. Calming times.
78. Hope. !!!
79. The way I felt at the end of the week off.
80. I’ll have doggie this coming weekend for three days.
81. And maybe I’ll buy a proper coat too. If they have any, they’ll be cheap.
82. That I do have *enough * money. That’s very fortunate.
83. And that I’m employed.
84. That I was born and raised here.
85. And my parents paid for college.
86. And that my mother just last week shared with me that for the piano and/or lessons, my father had said, “Can we afford it?” And she said, “We’ll make it work.”
87. And same about college.
88. And because he worked so hard
89. And she’s always been so great with money
90. They did.
91. And my braces too.
92. The gorgeous l.r. rug that has been rolled up for years and is finally down on the floor.
93. That IF I get a bird, it will be a rescue. A true rescue.
94. And that I probably won’t, because I’m not sure I could give enough time and energy for its best interests social/emotionally.
95. That I have lived through my hospitalizations, even the serious one.
96. And my surgeries.
97. That I am alive.
98. That I am grateful to be alive. For so long I wasn’t.
99. My dear doctor’s help (shrink).
100. Vitamins. Multi, C, lutein, and Co-Q 10. And soon calcium/magnesium too.
101. I just saw EJ's beautiful comment. I am so grateful for it!
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