Today's For Today:
"Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise." Sigmund Freud. (I agree!)
"Turning things around is the primary function of the twelve-step program. Where once my inclination was to sweep everything under the rug, to avert my gaze from reality, today I find relief from much resentment and anger by looking honestly at myself. Where once I was quick to blame anyone and anything for my troubles, today it is my own motives and actions that get my attention.
Self-honesty is an excellent treatment for what ails me, especially for the destructive emotions of anger and resentment.
For today: Self-honesty makes me feel good about myself."
Today's Voices of Recovery:
"...there is no one right way to do Step Eleven. 'Keep it simple is a good slogan to apply here. Remembering that our goal is to develop a closer conscious contact with God, prayer is simply what we do when we talk with our higher Power. . . " OA 12 & 12 p. 93
"When I first got abstinent, my sponsor shared with me that she writes out her problems and concerns at the tend of the day and puts them in her God box so that she can get a good night's sleep. The idea, she said, is to let God do the worrying.
I made a big God box and started putting my Tenth Step in it at bedtime. Then I found myself writing 'God notes' throughout the day, shoving them in my pocket until I got home to put them in the box. These notes often take the form of appreciation; gratitude; desires to improve myself; and requests for a different view when worry, anger, resentment, confusion, or disappointment take over my thinking. My prayers bring me closer to God, and my trust in him grows. God continues to transform my life and my relationships as I continue, one day at a time, to stuff little pieces of paper into my oatmeal carton.
Today's In This Moment:
"In This Moment, I am grateful.
I have a sound roof over my head.
I have a comfortable bed in which to sleep.
I eat well and my dog loves me.
I have enough money to pay my bills.
I can walk, talk, hear, and see.
For all this and more, I am grateful.
Today's The Language of Letting Go:
"Wants and Needs
Part of taking responsibility for ourselves means taking responsibility for what we want and need, and knowing that's okay to do.
Learning to tune-in to ourselves, learning to listen to ourselves, is an art. It takes practice. We can use our ability to guess what others want and need, and apply that skill to ourselves.
What does it sound like we might want and need? What would we guess would help us feel better? What are our feelings telling us? Our body? Our mind? Our intuition?
If we ask, then listen closely; we'll hear the answer.
We are wiser than we think, and we can be trusted.
What we want and need counts. It's important, and it's valid. It's okay to learn to participate in meeting our own needs.
WE can learn to identify what we want and need and be patient with ourselves while we're learning.
Today, I will pay attention to what I want and need. I will not discount myself."
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