Thursday, January 26, 2012


I feel:

Worried, stomach achy, tired tired tired, disappointed, angry at self

sacred, blessed, fortunate, fun, lighthearted, optimistic, hopeful, grateful

I think it is because:
maybe ate too late? more calories at night than lunch? too much?
nervous about not enough time to do all i have to do!
very angry at self for losing J.

smiling and optimistic and a million times less afraid than before
and happy that I don't have to worry about how HE feels about me all the time like I did for SO LONG!
and maybe all those fears were, as dr. says, ways to keep the relationship going (in pathological ways because he encouraged and I needed him to be needed...)
and I am stronger than I ever thought I could be!


5 good things about me
1. I am very open-minded
2. I can have fun
3. I can forgive and move on
4. I care for other beings
5. I pray

1 comment:

  1. Try not to be angry at yourself regarding J. We can't control people. You can't be anyone other than yourself. If you needed to change to make a person love you, it is not the right relationship.
