I am grateful:
1. Number 42. Wow oh wow number 42.
2. Dealing in a clean kitchen day in and day out is such a nice feeling.
3. That I got up on time today
4. That that meeting went so well
5. That little H, who is so nervous about doing things right, is, I believe, comfortable with me.
6. That I am breathing. That is a gift at the heart of it all.
7. Affirmations I find online.
8. My hands and feet feel smoother.
9. Pb and natural fruit spread
10. On whole grain bread
11. That I didn’t WANT more bread ast night
12. Broccoli at lunh
13. Light in the house
14. A great dream about slimness and clothing
15. Giving the kids great comp. lesson yesterday
16. Smiling children in my classroom
17. Getting some report cards done anyway
18. M’s love for me
19. That I GOT myself to that lawyer
20. Beautiful art I find on facebook
21. Beautiful inspiration I find on facebook
22. Doing the grats
23. Children wanting to meditate
24. That I should be able to fit it in today.
25. Nice pedicure. First time since summer
26. The Schubert is coming along.
27. That piano helps my sanity
28. The French language. I just think it’s so pretty.
29. My Nook. (I hope they stay in business).
30. That my house is in order.
31. If the past is any prediction of he present or future, I WILL get it all done.
32. That yesterday, L was concerned about me. I didn’t expect that but as I wasn’t on facebook and didn’t email or anything, he worried a good deal. And it DID feel like, well, I’m NOT all alone in the world; someone cares about me.
33. And even A was nice. Cared about my being so scared, and answered questions about how to deal with the mother situation
34. That maybe I’ll make it. And then that will help someone who’s reading, to make it too. Coming from where I’ve been, am, to making it – that would be a good big thing.
35. That I have a job
36. And it is that job
37. And I am good at it
38. And devoted
39. And I am not alone all day every day
40. That I got my hair colored. Phew. Put it off for so long
41. Magazines
42. That I get to go to the movies. That’s a luxury.
43. ***That everything doesn’t look, see, feel, as – FOREIGN as it used to. Like magic that some other people have and I don’t. Everything – stores, movies, social engagements - … used to make me physically ill, so scary. This is huge. And it isn’t so much like that anymore. Thank God.
44. Our school secretary. I love her.
45. Our school nurse. I like her so much too.
46. That I was in London last spring.
47. And loved it so much.
48. And the people there were so great to me.
49. And I did it alone.
50. And had a safe trip there.
51. And back.
52. And that I was okay on the trip back. Even though I was in like the ONE seat on the plane without a tv screen!
53. That I went straight from that airport to L’s
54. And had a WONDERFUL weekend there!
55. The weekend after, when I met his relatives.. That was such a nice spring.
56. Walking weather is on its way soon.
57. IM chat, on facebook.
58. That I have never committed a real crime (I say real because as teen stole – but got caught, thank God, and I’m not sure if in my early 20’s I cheated on my taxes. But other that that one and possibly other).
59. People who are praying for me.
60. That I pray for people too.
61. That JJ’s medical tests came out well.
62. That my mother is doing well.
63. That SHE offered last night to help ME. Wow.
64. Love. Every bit of love I’ve gotten; get.
65. Hope about J. No. I’m not kidding.
66. That at least he will help me this spring.
67. Eating better now.
68. That I made the fresh coffee this am.
69. That I am not in a CONSTANT state of panic.
70. MAYBE in t5 years my life will be better than it is right now?
71. Helping children.
72. Trees
73. Flowers. These things make me happy.
74. That I can type
75. That I HAVE this laptop.
76. Woood floors
77. Books
78. WW (Weight Watchers)
79. Double prep day once every 6 work days.
80. That I’ve not really been the victim of any violent crime (except when abuse in relationship long ago).
81. People who help each other
82. L’s compassion
83. Hearing O play piano in person so many times. So lucky.
84. How much better my own practicing is after that.
85. Organic crunchy p.b. on whole grain spelt toast right now. So good. Mm.
86. What I learn from others.
87. Je every morning. Her cheerfulness, her kindness, her tone.
88. That I set up a safe atmosphere in my classroom.
89. If I hadn’t been such a shy, scared kid, maybe I wouldn’t be such a good teacher. So maybe I’m even grateful for being such a shy, scared kid!
90. My aide. I love her. Wish she were with me for more than an hour a day, and that’s rare for me to say!
91. What a good mother she is.
92. Enough money to live. No matter what, I have always so far had enough money to live.
93. Non-dairy milks
94. Honest people
95. My Royal Doultons
96. YOU. Oh gosh really yes. If you are reading this, I am so grateful for you.
97. Bookstores
98. And the time I’ve spent in them.
99. Paperback Booksmith when I was a teen and a bit beyond
100. Barne s& Noble
101. Borders. I’ve spent nice times in both.