Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Simple Luxuries Grats

I am grateful for simple luxuries.



1.      Time with dogs
2.      And cats
3.      And birds
4.      And lizards
5.      And turtles
6.      All animals
7.      Walks in the woods
8.      Water to drink
9.      Water in which to swim. In the sound
10.   And the ocean
11.   And the river
12.   And lakes
13.   And pools
14.   Water for washing dishes
15.   Water for washing clothes
16.   Friends. My girlfriends
17.   My male friends
18.   People who keep confidences
19.   That I can walk. I couldn’t for almost a year. Oh my gosh do I appreciate the ability to walk!
20.   And drive
21.   And my used Mazda that feels like it was custom made for me.
22.   Smiles.
23.   Chatting with people on line at store.
24.   Patience
25.   Plenty of food.
26.   Fresh food
27.   Organic food even
28.   That I don’t eat animals. (NOT judging anyone who does)
29.   That I can see
30.   That I play classical piano
31.   And have a piano
32.   That it is all mine and I paid for it myself
33.   That J patiently helped me to find it. It took like a year!
34.   And I even have one to use in the classroom
35.   And the kids LOVE when I play classical, like if they’re doing handwriting for a few minutes…
36.   And we sing, which they love also.
37.   And we write parodies. Curriculum-related. And life-related
38.   That I get to do “The Breathing Game” with them every morning for two minutes (mindfulness meditation).
39.   And that they love it.
40.   And that we do this after we pledge. Yes, we pledge allegiance daily.
41.   That I get to be a teacher. Although this is not a “simple thing” or easy either!
42.   In one of the greatest school districts in the world
43.   That I am good at it.
44.   And improve constantly and intend to always.
45.   That at my job I get smiles and hugs and laughter, and we recently literally jumped for joy together. Literally.
46.   That I type so incredibly quickly.
47.   Books
48.   E-books too
49.   Good breath. I used to struggle with breath. I do SO appreciate breath now!
50.   And voice. I couldn’t speak for the better part of 8 months once. Boy, do I appreciate having a voice!
51.   That I have stores nearby
52.   And a glorious park a couple of blocks away.
53.   All my animal companions. Turtles and goldfish when I was little. All my doggies and birds throughout life.
54.   Dear Summer and Jewel, my sweet happy healthy parakeets that I have now.
55.   Good foods for them. Including organic pellets, regular seeds, and fresh raw organic baby greens, which they love! They especially love kale and spinach.
56.   Although in my heart I am a nature girl, I did grow up in a city, and a large one, and am accustomed to certain conveniences. So yes, I am grateful that the Indian restaurant near me delivers.
57.   As does the Chinese restaurant.
58.   And an Italian one too.
59.   And even Thai.
60.   I am grateful for vegan restaurants in NYC.
61.   I am grateful for every animal sanctuary
62.   And every person who helps children
63.   I’m grateful for art
64.   And museums
65.   For music
66.   For Yiddish. I don’t really know it, but the little bit I know, I think is the most descriptive language.
67.   And for French. Just because I adore the sound of it. I shall budget and go back to French lessons this year. Can’t wait!
68.   For libraries.
69.   And bookstores
70.   I am very grateful for the 9 days I had in London. By myself. A year and a half ago. That I went. Planned it. Paid for it. Did it all alone. And loved it. It was the best week of my life!
71.   I am grateful for laughter
72.   And hope
73.   And every peacemaker
74.   I am grateful for Reiki
75.   And for Thich Nhat Hanh
76.   And Buddhism
77.   I am grateful to live and work in areas where there is diversity. Ethic, sexual orientation, religious, political, etc.
78.   I am grateful for the lotus.
79.   And – that I have jewelry. Shallow, but pretty simple and I do like it
80.   Celebrations
81.   Passages
82.   Generosities. Mine and others’
83.   That I can read.
84.   That my parents paid for college for me
85.   And that I was able to pay for Master’s
86.   That by some magic I always manage to get kids loving reading.
87.   Prayer
88.   My pretty feet. Yes, really.
89.   My hands. They make music and love and writings and flowers and all sorts of things.
90.   Crewel work embroidery
91.   Knitting
92.   Needlepoint
93.   Stamped cross-stitch.
94.   That my stitches are so neat; people always comment.
95.   And that I think there are two reasons. One is my willingness to rip out
96.   And the other – is that I do it for the joy of the stitch. The one individual stitch.
97.   That when I was about 7th grade age or so, my mother came into the living room where I was sitting on the Duncan Phyfe sofa with her sewing kit next to me and a needle, thread, and paper napkin on my lap. She said, “What are you doing?” I said, “Making pictures with thread. I always do it.” She said, “Do you know that that is called embroidery, and they make material and flosses and kits and everything for it?” I said, “Really?! No! I thought I’d made it up!” She said, “Would you like me to buy you one?” “YESSSS!” And we got right up and went over to John Wanamaker’s in Cross County Shopping Center. I bought a kit. Loved doing it. Learned many “official” stitches, and still have that piece!
98.   My father. SO loving that EVERYONE thought he/she was his favorite (But I know I was lol).
99.   All the safety I’ve enjoyed in my life.
100. Men. Men have been very good to me most of my life.
101. God


  1. ✦✧✦╗╔╔╗╔╗╔╗╗╔─╔╗╔╗╗╦╔─╗╔╔╗╔╗╔╗║✧✦✧

  2. Thank you! You too! I am thinking that is must be a DECISION. Much love to you, Dear Birdie!!
