Thursday, January 5, 2012


Today's For Today:

"He does not believe that does not live by his belief." Thomas Fuller

"Do the principle I believe in have any relation to my daily life? I may think the twelve-step program is great, but how can I say it works if I merely admire it rather than live by it? When I arrived in OA, what I heard rang true because it came out of experience. not theory.
Anyone can 'learn' the program, but to achieve the recovery it promises takes more than intellectual understanding; it takes a sustained effort to apply its spiritual principles in every area of my life. Only then - when I am practicing what I say I believe in - can I give it away to another compulsive overeater.
For today: I discipline myself by not 'talking program' unless I am trying to work it. If I believe that ours is a program of recovery, i will live by that belief.


Today's Voices of Recovery

"Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon OA unity." Tradition One
There are at least three factions of OA. One emphasizes a strict, disciplined food plan. Another professes working the Steps and allowing God to remove the food problem. A third group falls somewhere in between. I know OA memebers in all three groups who have great recovery. What is the right way? What is the OA way? What is the message we are supposed to carry?
The only message I can carry is my own recovery. I do not need to have everyone recovery 'my way.' You need the freedom to recover 'your way.' The only thing we need to have in common about our recovery lies within the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. We cannot legislate recovery; we cannot even accurately define recovery, but we recognize it when we see someone living it. Let us rejoice when we see fellow sufferers recovering in Overeaters Anonymous, thankful they have found their way. let us be willing to try a different approach if our way is not working. let's be open-minded and non-judgmental. The program is broad enough for all of us to do whatever is necessary.


Today's In This Moment:
"In This Moment, I ask for God's help."

"Oftentimes, before I try to do something different, fear waits for me at the door, keeping me from experimenting with new behaviors. As a result, I continue to do what's comfortable instead of what's healthy. i need to do three things to change this pattern: ask God for help, believe God is helping me, and take action.

Asking for help requires some effort, because it's hard to commit to change. After I ask for God's help, the next step involves the practical application of my faith. Even if I can't convince myself that God is helping me right now, I can 'act as ir' God is helping me through this stage of recovery. I take positive action. I can accomplish what used to baffle and paralyze me. I act with new confidence and commitment to purpose. Then hope and integrity return to my life."


Today's Language of Letting Go:

"Some of us have felt so alienated that we've forgotten we're not alone. We've come to believe that we have to do it ourselves. Some of us have been abandoned. Some have gone without love. Some of us have gotten used to people never being there for us. Some of us have struggled, had hard lessons to learn.
god's there, always ready to help. There is an ample supply of people to care about us too. We will, if we want it, receive love and support, comfort and nurturing. If we take the risk to ask for it, help is there. We can draw on the strength of our recovery group and allow ourselves to be helped and supported by our Higher Power. Friends will come, good friends.
We aren't alone. AND WE DON'T HAVE TO DO IT OURSELVES. We're not DOING IT OURSELVES. There is no shortage of love. not anymore.

Today, God, help me let go of my need to do it alone and my belief that I am alone. Help me tap into Your Divine Power and Presence, and Your resources for love, support, and friendship. Open my eyes and heart so I can see the love, help, and support that's there for me. help me know I am loved.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Blogger,
    It has come to our attention that improvingmylifenow.blogspot is reprinting material owned by Overeaters Anonymous.

    "For Today" and "Voices of Recovery" are protected by U.S copyright law, and OA is the sole owner of the copyrights. Accordingly, we insist that improvingmylifenow.blogspot immediately remove the reprints from these books from its website and not reproduce the material, or any OA-copyright material, on any website without first seeking reprint permission.

    We ask that we hear from you by Thursday, July 1.

    D. DeMoss
    Publications Manager
    Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
