Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Magic Aug 2

Aug. 2

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to be getting stronger each day with exercise.
Because  _______

Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for not being as crazy in terms of friend having to be perfect for me.
Because it is more realistic and it is more mature and it is more social and less lonely.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful that in all kinds of situations and circumstances and life events, I have always had my NEEDS met,
because as a kid my parents saw toit, then Ji saw to it, and then I saw to it. Always ENOUGH.
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for opportunities,
because they abound and every day, every minute can be better and better.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to live here,
because I have freedom.
Thank you thank you thank you.

I am so happy and grateful for fresh organic blueberries, raspberries, blackberries bananas, tomatoes, kale, chard, and spinach in my fridge right now.
Because THAT, to me, is wealth. Wow.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my ability to read.
Because I wanted to at 3 years old! Would stand outside holding my book and try to ask strangers, “Can you show me how to do the words?” My mother wouldn’t let me do this of course! But as my parents said they didn’t know how to show me, I figured I’d find a way lol. Was so happy when started to, in the See Jane books lol. And have gotten degrees, have escaped when “needed” (mindful should not need “escape” I am aware), have learned so much, have been in groups and connected with people, and, well, some people in the world wish to and don’t know how, so I am aware of how lucky I am that I can read.
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for every happy moment I’ve had,
because I have had many many many. And will have many many more!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my ability to enjoy little, cheap, and free things.
Because it is a good thing about me and adds to happinesses.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my ability to walk in general,
because THINK about all the things it enables me to do! And –
I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful to have “re-found” my newly improved again outdoor mall from all my life, because I can walk THERE too!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

2. Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.      Great exercise. Barre legs.
2.      Blocked that person I think I don’t trust on fb
3.      Great reading
4.      Good piano
5.      God out (important for me every day)
6.      Nice weather
7.      Birdies birdies : )
8.      Veggies and fruits
9.      I wasn’t miserable. No really. I get disappointed with how much I’m NOT doing. But - I am not desperately depressed like last year! And THAT is something! And – I AM really changing my eating. AND exercising! THAT is a lot too!

Thank you thank you thank you!

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