Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CoDA Morning Work Today

I woke up, had coffee, got all garbage out, did other blogged work, made tea, and I feel:

Mixed up.

I think it's because:
I'm still not really adjusted to the J. stuff.
And I'm only so new in having clean house again. And in being back at work.
And I'm kind of sad and kind of depressed but also kind of happy and excited all at once - about this new life stuff.
Mostly grateful. And hopeful.

Oh no - it's time for 5 good things about me. This is *hard! *

1. I can drive safely
2. I am smart
3. I am always kind and fair to the students
4. I am open to learning new things
5. I laugh a good deal.

1 comment:

  1. You are SO on the road to recovery, girl. I can 'hear' it in everything you're writing. And it fills my heart with gladness. Oh, and I bought the 'little book' you mentioned the other day by Thich Nhat Hanh and I haven't read it, but I did peruse it quickly. It's lovely and I'm so glad you recommended it. Thank you.
