Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My One Hundred Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. That as nervous as I am this morning (1/3), I am finding calming and comfort in the readings. So glad am doing after all.
2. Here I was yesterday, having a tea party with a sponsor, instead of jumping under cars.
3. I went out in the freezing cold this morning and made trip after trip and got the garbage out! All the garbage from last week’s cleaning. Yay. Yes, I still have a problem with that, and I sit here only hoping they’ll take it. But I got it out there, despite feelings/thoughts of, “Maybe I’ll wait til Friday.” Good thing I didn’t, since they’re not even coming Friday!
4. Yesterday, I made the decision and called at day’s end and straight from school went to get my hair cut and colored.
5. I decided not to tell people at work yet, and I’m glad.
6. I was good to the kids (as always).
7. I chatted with my mom (as always).
8. I am not sick. I am healthy and well. That’s so lucky!
9. I remembered to cover my mouth and breathe in through my nose when outside.
10. It’ll be really really cold today. In a way I’m glad. NOT glad because of my room that doesn’t have heat : ( But glad because if it’s like 28 degrees, we go out for outdoor recess, and that’s kind of hard on me. But if it’s like 16 degrees, we stay in. So I almost prefer the 16. (Not for many days in a row though, as that’s bad for the kiddies).
11. I did “resolutions” with them yesterday
12. And they had the cutest one. All but like one kid “got” not to make them unrealistic (“I will never fight with my sister again for my whole life”)
13. One girl has already talked with her mom about donating 2 hours a week at an animal shelter! (I knew this before – it’s true)
14. I love these kids
15. And *I * decided to give 3 half-hours a week to doing something FUN from my hobby cabinet.
16. A hobby cabinet! What fortune!
17. I have in there, needlework
18. And crewel work
19. And embroidery
20. And acrylic paints
21. And canvases
22. And water colors
23. And art books (pages to paint and draw on)
24. And colored pencils
25. And real art pencils
26. And beads etc. for jewelry making
27. And a kit to teach me art
28. And yarn
29. And knitting needles
30. And crochet hooks
31. And puzzle
32. And books of beautiful patterns to color
33. And child’s coloring books
34. And crayons
35. And markers
36. And a stained glass thingy
37. And ornaments for the Christmas tree to paint
38. And probably more that I’m not even thinking of now. Wow!
39. And I *will * put up a Christmas tree next year. Even if it’s artificial. Even if it’s small.
40. And I *will * put out my beautiful Nativity.
41. My mother got it and gave it to me.
42. And she got it year by year, piece by piece, ordered from Italy. Wow.
43. I am so glad that I cook now.
44. And J said he made chili the other night. I know I’m advised not to get too involved, so I’m biting my tongue to not offer to bring him homemade foods, but I’m glad he’s eating better.
45. I went to the post office yesterday and mailed that important letter.
46. I have a Weight Watchers magazine here. I can read it this evening.
47. Started one of the two books I have to read for school, yesterday.
48. And it’s really good so far (It’s called “House Rules” and is a novel but about autism and/or asbergers. I’m not far enough in…) Very well-done. And might help us as teachers.
49. M’s amazing help yesterday, sharing materials.
50. Our nice chat last night on the phone.
51. Still breathing well. Thank God.
52. MA finally scheduled her cathaterization.
53. I will figure out a way to support her.
54. Movies
55. Whole grains
56. Fruits yesterday
57. And veggies
58. And proteins
59. Lunching in Faculty Lounge now. Yay.
60. Like a real member of the faculty. Which I am. Yay..
61. Feeling more like a person.
62. Darling little L, in my class. I love them all. But I must mention him. Such an innocent.
63. And little A too. Such an innocent. Not everyone thinks so. But I do.
64. For this year in my life, I am grateful that the holidays are over.
65. Poetry.
66. Typing. I so love typing.
67. I am alive.
68. I will live like an alive person today.
69. And where comfortable shoes so I can walk even more throughout the day.
70. I have a loving Higher Power. Wow (And I believe we all do. Wow.)
71. Peanut butter on whole grain flourless Ezekial bread
72. The woman who introduced me to Ezekial bread
73. Getting a phone call from an online friend yesterday!
74. With wind chill that feels like 1 below(!) I’m sure glad I got that furnace this year!
75. That that woman at work did so much for my plants.
76. That I played piano for the kids while they were writing in their journals yesterday.
77. And they clapped!
78. Puzzle mania at school
79. Tomorrow I get to go to an Ivy League school for an all-day course, and my district pays: )
80. CoDA
81. Breath and voice
82. Eyesight
83. Water
84. Hot tea. I’m just about to make some.
85. Fresh coffee this morning (only every few days)
86. Relief from the agony I was suffering just a few weeks ago.
87. I *will * do something FUN this weekend
88. EJ, JJ, and Birdie, who remind me to have fun.
89. St – maybe I’ll see her this weekend
90. Word games like boggle
91. And scrabble
92. And word mine, my favorite
93. The day the class and I got stuck in an elevator, with a mother or two. And I paniced inside. But didn’t show it! Said, “Oooh. We get some time to play our word game! Let’s sit. And started the game.” I’m so grateful I was able to do that.
94. And that we got out fine!
95. All people who are good to non-human animals
96. Meditation with the class yesterday.
97. And giving lotus symbol toward window for “all other people and animals and plants and nature and mother earth.”
98. The songs we sing together, especially the planet and getting along together ones.
99. Soon will do, “This Little Light of Mine” with our own verses (non-religious, of course).
100. All happy things. Every one of them that I and anyone else experience.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely list of grats today.

    I cleaned up my basement last week and had quite a bit of garbage to throw out. I lugged it all to the curb this morning in the below freezing temps. It was hard work but I was so glad to get it done. What a great feeling.

    I would love to see a picture of your nativity. It must be beautiful to come from Italy. Please post a picture when you put it out next year.

    Did you read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time? It's a fabulous book and I bet you would love it.
