Friday, April 4, 2014

has taken a week to come up with but did it -

Trying to come up with NEW gratitudes! Not repeats like water, although I am always intensely grateful for the repeats…

1.      Learning more all the time
2.      Taking better care of myself
3.      Appreciating each day
4.      Good hospitals everywhere
5.      Less fear than before
6.      That I don’t hate math like I used to
7.      Getting up SO early, hours before alarm, and with energy! I think it’s the nutrition!
8.      Walking. I used to do so much of it. Just because it FELT good! And this spring (weather of which should start this week) I shall do more
9.      Even dreaming of walking 2 nights ago. Lacing the sneakers, etc.
10.   Little things, like showering in the morning, are the little deals they shoud be – not the big deals they felt like a little while ago when I was kind of overwhelmed and phobic.
11.   Same with errands.
12.   Deodorant soap
13.   Prayer
14.   Special gifts from the heart from students
15.   My discovery of green chard a few months ago. I love it
16.   I have nice eyelashes
17.   And my cheeks are pretty when I smile
18.   The colorful with bells swing in birdies’ cage.
19.   That one of them sleeps on it every single night. I had no idea how important a swing is! In nature, one bird in the flock always sleeps on a lighter branch so that if anyone comes by, they will be awakened by its easy movement. I just bought the swing ‘cause I thought they’d enjoy it. I am so glad I bought it that first day, knowing now how very important it is to them!
20.   Colorful paints. I just enjoy them.
21.   Being ABLE to just enjoy
22.   Laughter (oops, a repeat : )
23.   The floor cleaner that does not hurt the wood
24.   My nice experience at the health food store yesterday.
25.   Vaca soon. And my determination to not get depressed, as I did in Dec and Feb.
26.   Eating, walking, plans to help that determination come true!
27.   God (oops – another repeat : )
28.   Losing weight for health and self, not jut for someone else.
29.   Gonna buy some clothes soon! Yay! Lucky me : )
30.   So much more positivity than I used to have!
31.   People who work to cure diseases
32.   And those who succeed
33.   A few sources of woods near enough my house!
34.   Drive-ins when I was young. Little, in jammies with pillows and blankets in back with sister and with parents in front. Teen years bunches, dating Ji the two of us.
35.   The few times I’ve bowled. Fun.
36.   That I have been to Disneyland
37.   My parents for buying me a transistor radio at age 10
38.   And all that Girl Scout equipment around same age.
39.   J getting so close to being an Eagle Scout
40.   That I am not in a wheelchair.
41.   That J and I took ballroom dancing
42.   EVERY breath I take
43.   The color coral in nature
44.   Colorful birds in nature
45.   Rocks. Yes, really.
46.   The number of PARENTS who are getting positively affected by our “breathing game” me with the kids every morning for 2 minutes!
47.   That I WANT to be at work. Was actually going to even call in today. But am not REALLY sick. And would rather get SOME done here AND work, then a LITTLE more done here and not work. Doing the right thing is one thing. That FEELING is something else!
48.   And – perhaps the MOST embarrassing thing I’ve ever said here. Or anywhere. Oh my Lord, I have been showering for 3 weeks, in a bathtub/shower with pots and dishes in it. Since the flood. Now I have gotten them out of there. And see how little that issue was and how I should not have let it get to that. But I did. I was overwhelmed. And I honestly think that foods and non-foods have a lot to do with it. Eating boxed and bagged craps took not only my looks, my figure, and my energy, but some of my sanity as well. I have been up since 3:40 this am with energy and positivity.  And this morning, I finally got to empty that tub. Dishes being done 3 x including in dishwasher and by hand. Although they don’t need that much. Just for the ick factor psychologically.
49.   I don’t feel like a compulsive overeater right now. I don’t feel like going to ww or OA or needing to. We’ll see. But whatever it takes, I shall keep this up.
50.   I am not beating myself up over any of the above.
51.   That I get to read, practice piano, and do some French, many days in my classroom (breaks)
52.   Our school library.
53.   Fun. All kinds of fun. Including the surprises I find (just did this minute) in the online jigsaw puzzles. I love the bright, colorful ones that are hard enough for me to go back to them for days. I just found myself saying out loud when I realized it, “Ha! Oh it’s so tiny! I had no idea!”
54.   That that is a metaphor for all my problems too! Lol but really : )
55.   That I am not bipolar. Being so labile is hard enough. Bipolar must be much harder still.
56.   Twirling with my kids the other day, to turn that day around
57.   The parents who appreciate me.
58.   That my parents both taught me, through their own example as much as or even more than their words, compassion.
59.   That I don’t cheat people.
60.   That in my life, I get to help people!
61.   That after retirement ( in 5 ½ years or so) I will continue to help others: people and/or non-human animals.
62.   Dance
63.   The song, “This Pretty Planet.”
64.   Joan Miro. I never really knew her paintings til recently. Wow I love them! (and am doing one as online jigsaw puzzles this is day 3) L. had introduced me to her work but I’d forgotten.
65.   That today I shall find time for my kids to color. Yes. Maybe 10 – 15 minutes.
66.   Brave people. Including me.
67.   Joan Miro. I love her art. Never heard of her til 2 years ago. Then forgot. Now have become reintroduced, through, of all thing, online jigsaw puzzle at jigsawplant!
68.   That I am craving salad lately. And eating a nice one every day. Thank you, Earthbound Farms organic dark leafy greens like kale, chard, spinach…
69.   New chances.
70.   As someone who appreciates the gift of laughter, I am finally able to be grateful that I make others laugh so much!
71.   Trader Joe’s
72.   Frozen artichoke hearts
73.   Sunshine now
74.   Dry day today
75.   Light out when I come home now
76.   Great meeting after school today
77.   Towels
78.   My hair. And compliments on it
79.   People who are praying for me. I cried for two hours this morning could not help it. I dearly appreciate people who are praying for me
80.   I should be back in the bed (not den sofa) this weekend
81.   My dishwasher is working again thank goodness
82.   The floor was not destroyed
83.   Children’s innate appreciate of nature and love for animals.
84.   The silver linings. Like That the garbage built up. So that this morning, VERY early, I went up and down the outside stairs many times. And it made me feel better.
85.   And Like That I have been depressed a few times this week. Bad. Because that got me motivated to exercise
86.   And Like That I was told this would be the worst class ever. Which made me look for ways to make it better, in advance. And therefore, since Day 1, we have been meditating (the brathing game). Which has turned out so great for ME
87.   And that the kids have asked to lead. And each day a different one does now. And I did that for THEM because they’d asked. But I love it and it is good for ME.
88.   Looking for the good and in new ways, all around me.
89.   That J took me to dinner for my March b’day.
90.   More daylight now
91.   Light bulb changing getting better
92.   Big bad things happening with shrink’s wife and he finally called to discuss because she kept leaving messages here. And this week he will come, and we will see what to do about whether to continue at all.
93.   That I have around 100 trillion cells in my body. Working nonstop to give me life!
94.   All. Of. Nature.
95.   That the book The Power says, “To see your health improve, give love to health more than 50 percent of the time. Just 51 percent is the tipping point from sickness to health.
96.   And for everything. 51 percent.
97.   I just read this in “The Power:” “I spend 15 minutes every morning feeling love and sending it out to the world.”
98.   M. calling me this morning.
99.   IMing with A this morning. Both have reduced the loneliness.
100. My Nutribullet green drink this morning.

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