Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Magic Day 12

and later I will do the other part of today's, although perhaps not in writing.

Day 12:

I am truly blessed to have my cousin P,
because she used to babysit me and always made me feel good enough just as I am. She accepted, she was patient, she was kind. I felt safe with her. This was very important to me, a shy kid who tended to compare herself unfavorably to others. I liked it best when my parents were home and even used to kneel on sofa and look out window while they were gone. P didn’t push. She ~gentled~ me toward my feelings being ok, but towards doing other things. Thank you P! So patient. So kind. So giving.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my father,
because of more than I can say. He knew me. He loved me. He accepted me. He treated me like I’m someone special. And he did that for all of us. Everyone (inside our family and out) thought they were his favorite. (Of course I know I was lol). He was patient, twinkly-eyed, loved a good laugh, gentle, and a gentleman. He would bring books on my favorite subjects, and a “Sponge” candy bar to share while we watched The Honeymooners together.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for my mother,
because she would take us to the beach. And bring grape juice and pepper sandwiches and plums. She would play limp. She would let us draw all over the walls in chalk the night before the painters were to come. She kept everything running: our food, clothing, neat house, social life. Everything. She would surprise us sometimes with ice cream form the ice cream truck. She entertained beautifully no matter where we lived. She taught us manners and grace and class. She got me piano lessons and got a piano. She got me beautiful clothes. She took me to the store for my 10th birthday and I picked out a doll. And she set that man straight when he said I was too old for it. She took me to H’s and bought me a yoyo. She “got” what makes children happy. And despite – or because – she didn’t get most of it when she was a child, she made sure we did.
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for my closeness with my cousin J growing up,
because I was comfortable there. There meaning with her.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have passed that test that allowed me to take French,
because I wanted to so much. And it was a very silly way for them to decide. And it affects me to this day. I got into the academic program which helped me move on and on and on. AND I still enjoy taking French! J
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my ability to sew,
because I always enjoyed embroidery and even making halter tops by hand as a teen. I still enjoy, and have now taught Je and Al!
People have a number of times asked, how are my stitches so even, so neat? And I have two answers. The first is my willingness to rip out! And the second – the second – is that I do it for the enjoyment of the stitch. The enjoyment of the one stitch. No, not the finished product. But the enjoyment of the one stitch. This is so meditative. I am so glad. And yes, reminds me back to my father yet again, as I think this must be how he was with the foods – the chopping so small, so evenly. Taking time. Seeming to enjoy the doing for us and for the doing. I am grateful for my ability to stitch.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for MA,
because we have been close since 1989. We have laughed and laughed together. Cried together too. Been there for each other. Enjoyed very regular times like years of daily lunches…We understand each other! We accept each other. We are honest with each other.
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for my cleaning yesterday,
because it continues to get better and better around here!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for lentils,
because they have protein and fiber and iron and very little sugar. I am so grateful that I finally appreciate lentils! They don’t even have to be soaked before using, and lend themselves well to so many dishes and cuisines!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for   ,
Because providing mySELF with hot coffee in the mornings. Because it is a little thing, but something I am able to do for myself. And I enjoy the hot, and the caffeine helps me get started plus positively affects my mood.
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

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