Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It Is Helping Me to

even think about writing in my blog tonight.

#1. I work with 2 shits. One is an anal person who can never ever see another's viewpoint and is a prig and not fair to children.
The other is 100% self-awareness free. Does not see herself AT ALL as others do. And is nasty outright to almost all. NO ONE who has worked with her in the 14 years + that I've been here find it easy. She is HORRIBLE to children.
I was in a room with them all day today and they were SHITS!

#2. I can't remember having so much to do in so little time since about 7 years ago. And of course no J. to help like then. I can't imagine how it is going to happen.

I am trying to remain aware that:
*"viewed from the moon" it is irrelevant
*it is important for me to NOT CARE what the hell others think of ME
*J. wants to see me this weekend. THAT is MUCH bigger to me!
*I helped my mother a lot today. For 2 hours!
*I have all the wonderful qualities and lucks I do have
*My true friends, my students, my birds, myself, J, doggie, YOU - these are important.

I do wish I'd known back then - that this is the JOB - and my RELATIONSHIP should not suffer because of it.
*I did the best with what I knew then and now I can do the best with what I know now.

Good night:)

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