Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Magic June 7

June 7

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have this: “Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.”Dr. John Demartini
Because it has PROVEN itself true in my life and I am trying to direct it better now!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for  J gonna come by in a little while!
Because of course I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see J.
But also, because it “forced” me to do some things around here and now the place is so much better for M too!
I am actually sitting in the sunrrom. The whole place (except br) is airing out… Yay.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for movies,
because I have really come to like the experience.

With all my heart, thank you for the really good way I just played Chopin, the birds singing in the sunroom right now, and me at the wrought iron table in there doing French while my mother just called!
Because THIS is a find moment!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have just had that great visit with J.,
because I do love to be with him.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for him asking me out for tomorrow,
because it is a light and bright and happy feeling!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for this book, The Magic,
Because it is the piece that is really helping me to change my life.

Thank you thank you thank you!
With all my heart, thank you for my having kept this wrought iron table and chairs,
because I wondered would it. Have bad memories/connotation, as it comes from my parents’ house when I was about 12 to 23 and a lot of bad things happened… But I actually looked in store and the current ones I saw were very cheaply made and very expensive to buy! So I kept this one. And I wind up loving it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for   ,
Because    .

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for   ,
Because    .

And now, from today’s visit:
1.      Thank you, Self, for letting J. lead as his was business stuff and you took over for SO LONG it was HIS turn!
2.      Thank you, Universe that what he was sharing was SO interesting!
3.      Thank you, J, for the very warm and loving hugs!
4.      Thank you, Both of Us, for the excitement and laughter.
5.      Thank you, Self, for NOT asking oculd I come along tag along with him which I did feel like asking but which not only would havce seemed so needy to him, but would have BEEn so needy! And not independent in terms of filling mySELF.
6.      Thank you, J, for checking out the birds.
7.      Thank you, Birds, for singing nicely. (And not obnoxiously lol)
8.      Thank you, Self for straightening enough. Did not go crazy. Is not ALL PERFECT, but is fine and better than livable!
9.      Thank you, job for the money to buy the clothes I was wearing today, which are so cool yay.
10.   Thank you, windows which J and I had put in together and were spreading delightful breeze through trees and house.
11.   And now, he has left for the day and I STILL have all of that!
12.   And thank you so much, J, for picking up my mother’s a/c to put in for her!
Thank you thank you thank you!

2. Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.      Got there.
2.      Aide was in.
3.      Restarted again. New intention to keep giving to them… much as can…
4.      Took away one treat when gave them chances after bad thing…
5.      Followed through with it
6.      Had salad and peach for lunch again
7.      Nice chats with colleagues
8.      Came home for break
9.      Went out with M and her girls last night. Did NOT want to go when got home after school. Felt obligated by then. Went. SO GLAD DID!
10.   And ate a little too much but did NOT go far like tempted to due to my own social anxiety….
11.   Movie interesting.
12.   She sneak-treated even to food. SO nice!
13.   Did Magic Rock practice.
14.   Again, had so many things to choose from!
15.   Again, different one than ever before. Proving every day really does have something special and wonderful!
16.   Even got thinking of the things on way home in car!
17.   It is light out later. Yay.
18.   Birds free a bit (as every day).
19.   Slept. Yes did have nightmares, but slept. Sleep good for me.
Very very grateful.

(And these were done this am before the above):

1.      Thank you, heart for beating so well
2.      Thank you, blood pressure, for staying healthy even when I am emotionally upset! As checked my nurse the other day
3.      Thank you, ability to walk!
4.      Thank you, desire to walk more and more now
5.      Thank you eyes for seeing all
6.      Thank you, ability to read
7.      Thank you, brain for enabling me to work and do piano and do French and do word games and think about relationships
8.      Thank you, ability to mediate! And  very quick physical even and emotional reaction to it! Takes only couple breaths! FEEL it! Even in my hands!
9.      Thank you, feet, for being healthy and pretty and strong.
10.   Thank you, throat and esophagus and larynx. I am so lucky to have you!

1.      Thank you J, for trying to become all you can!
2.      Thank you, J, for me still being in your life.
3.      Thank you, J, for being decent about money
4.      Thank you, J, for appreciating my integrity.
5.      Thank you, J, for helping my mother
6.      Thank you, J, for trying to look at me anew now!
7.      Thank you, J., for trying to help people and animals with your work
8.      Thank you, J, for not being conceited.
9.      Thank you, J, for all the help you always gave me, and still would. Even brought me yarn this very school year when I was sick.
10.   Thank you, J, for appreciating my cooking lately.

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