Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Magic June 3

June 3

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have yes, the “little” things,
Because another one is that I so look forward to MY book. I am rereading Nicholas and Alexandra. First time was interested, but probably read it quickly for story…. This time really savoring the words and learning about it all. Love that I’m looking forward.
It is so wonderful to have a light happy something to look forward to. Well, the book certainly isn’t light and happy! But I mean I enjoy the reading of it.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for my abilities,
because I should be able to help my mother.
Thank you thank you thank you!!

I am truly grateful for my veganism back 100%,
because it is better for saving the planet, and – because – of this ________
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for easy breath,
because I remember what it was like when it wasn’t. And this is SO MUCH better!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have this book, The Magic,
because my putting these things into practicing is elevating my life.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for beautiful scenes of nature in films,
because they may help people appreciate nature and save her!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for meditation,
because it contains so much – so much – for helping life. For LIVING life. Which is only available in the present moment.
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for my great fortune in having sat with Thich Nhat Han on FOUR retreats! 3 with J. in Massachusetts, and 1 alone in London.
Because  - wow – what opportunities! And the feeling – after – is amazing. And lasts a long time.
Thank you too, for the ability to nourish this practice.
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for trees,
because just looking at them relaxes me. Just looking at them, even through the window, physically changes my breath. The green of the leaves, the life, the treetops against the sky, the trunks, the roots, the oxygen. I love trees!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for “my” oak tree out front,
because it is ever present through the window I see most and outside of course. It is big, it is old, it is strong. I love it! I am thankful or for me, and on behalf of all others who did, do, and will enjoy it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

2. Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.      Everything in my day was safe. Home, work, rides, interactions with others. Many beings, human and otherwise, cannot say that and so I am very lucky.
2.      Good greens for the birds
3.      Great, big salad lunch for me
4.      Did NOT go out and get junk to consume last night. REALLY wanted to. SO glad didn’t!
5.      J. called. And wants to go out this weekend… Thank you, God. Really.
6.      The Ma call turned out not to be obnoxious.
7.      I slept. I needed it. Am glad I did.
8.      Both meetings went well.
9.      + short meeting with principal was very affectionate. I’m glad!
10.   Gave kids good day.
11.   Did Magic Rock practice.
12.   Read more of my book, Persian Girls: A Memoir. Am enjoying it. Good book.
13.   Had 2 peaches. Oh they were little, sweet, and beautiful things! Will buy more fruit. 1 – 2 a day almost every day should be fine.
14.   Colleagues were – extra friendly, laughy, like relieved. Nice tone yesterday.
15.   I am not stressing over shit at work. Yay.

My challenges of today are the bills with not enough time to do, and the awful call ‘cause my mother actually fell! Didn’t fall in a year and 7 months. Has fallen 3 x in a month plus 2 almost falls I or other person nearby prevented. This is 100% UNACCEPTABLE and they MUST change these people! I have to call and get that done. AND visit today’s aide and be late for work omg. That doesn’t mention work, the 2-hour meeting, and the money I want to send to a friend in need (it’s a little bit). And it doesn’t count making Ma’s copies of letters and driving them to her in the pouring rain, or the 2 – 3 stores after work for my mother, and the visit to her.
The gratitude here? There are several: I HAVE phones to make these calls. I HAVE voice. I am mobile. I am brave when need be. These are not the same as problems of slavery or genocide or mutilation or POW or concentration camp. These are doable. No one promised life was easy every minute. That does NOT mean it can’t be great!
I got up early enough to get things in order.
I am emptying dishwasher. Don’t know why I don’t like to, but I am doing it.
I can bring salad lunch.
Will be in a/c/ room for 2 hours of the day for a change (no a/c in classrooms where I work)
And – I still HAVE my mother.
Thank you, God!
Thank you, Universe.

1. I am so grateful for my abilities to help my mother, to get things done, to give to my birds, and to do for self. And to ENJOY life in a day! Thank you thank you thank you!

1. I am so grateful for this chance of us together healthier! Thank you thank you thank you!

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