Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Magic June 21

June 21

Count your blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to buy plants,
because I want a few plants n the house. I will be careful to get plants that are safe for parakeets. And not too many. I’m talking about like 7 plants tops. I am excited!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for enough health, youth, and energy and the opportunity to start this 21 day eating and exercise plan and see what happens,
because I need a jolt. And I am excited about the containers and the REAL foods because I never learned these things growing up, and was too damaged in adulthood to do it, so I still “need” someone else to show me. And that’s okay!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for the qi gong I took with J. That was wonderful. Out in the park. Only the once, but with a person we KNOW is authentic… And for the long-term tai chi
because although I took it for granted at the time, those were VERY special days!
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for the breathing game with the kids, and more living in the moment,
because not constantly ruminating over the past or panicking over the future is a BIG relief!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly blessed to have my spirituality and the immediate visceral response to it,
Because, like, the other morning, just THINKING about Reiki not even DOING it, my entire body responded. IN the same way as when I mediate with mindfulness meditation too. Oh my gosh!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so happy and grateful for THIS summer coming.
Because I am DETERMINED to not fall into depression like last summer. I have one day of work (paid) and 5 of a course for which I didn’t even know but I also get paid a little! And I WILL meditate! I WILL! And take piano. And keep doing French! And swim! I MUST swim at least once!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am truly grateful for just creating a blog for my 21 day fix!,
because I want it separate from here. (Although I will share address here of course. Just running late right now and it takes me awhile with these things)
Thank you thank you thank you!

With all my heart, thank you for healthy and delicious breakfast I just ate,
because o f a million reasons, but including that it wasn’t much different!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for the OPPORTUNITIES today,
because I am about to get a haircut and color! Lucky! And I can food shop! Lucky! And I can get a pedi IF I choose! SO lucky!
Thank you thank you thank you!

I am so incredibly fortunate and lucky and grateful for my laptop!
Because it helps me live a BETTER lfe as I am so facile with typing and love to record things on it!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you thank you thank you!

2. Remember The magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

1.    I finished the report cards. Phew. In time.
2.    Had good day with aide. Even chatted during prep on day I “couldn’t really afford too “ but she seemed to need to. And I’m glad I did.
3.    Made kids happy.
4.    Continued helping them with their kindness stuff.
5.    Started reading my 21 Day Fix stuff!
6.    Made hair appointment for today.
7.    I could see.
8.    And hear
9.    And speak
10.                  And drink
11.                  And had plenty of water.
12.                  I could drive.
13.                  And work.
14.                  And laugh.
15.                  Had a lovely half hour or so with TWO co-workers. SO nice.
16.                  Wow – it is not yesterday, it is today but – just now I IMed one of the two colleagues. She is new this year and might not be here next year, and we really connect. She is GREAT with kids (works in my class couple – 3 times a week LUCKY ME and LUCKY MY KIDS!). So I wrote one little sentence that like our chats. And I’m glad I did.
17.                  AND – she just wrote back, “Me too! So glad my path has crossed you. You are a treasure.” Wow!
18.                  And speaking of this morning, I found out we CAN have coffee on the 21-day fix.
19.                  I am grateful in advance that will get haircut and colored today. Feels AND looks good ahhhh.
20.                  Maybe pedicure too?
21.                  And clean bird cage.
22.                  And they shall fly later freely (as ever day) oh yes.
23.                  I didn’t awaken with that blissful feeling, but fine. And I’ll take fine! Fine is great!
24.                  Wrote a nice and encouraging email to co-worker who got moved.
25.                  I am really looking forward to exercise. I KNOW it will be very hard. But I am COMMITTED to doing it this one day. (At a time lol. Only have to LOOK AT one).
26.                  I am really looking forward to piano practice this summer oh yes.
27.                  I am really glad I offered to pay Am and she will help me this week.
28.                  I am REALLY REALLY glad I do not ask J for help!
29.                  I am grateful for my life, THIS life. Yes. I am.
30.                  VERY BEYOND grateful for living in the momen.t
31.                  Oops – I think I’ve crossed over in the ones that are more general. That’s okay. I always do these first lol.
32.                  Yesterday’s weather was glorious. And it wasn’t even death hot IN the sauna-like classroom of the rest of the week.

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