Monday, September 30, 2013


I am grateful:

1.    A’s friendship
2.    M’s friendship
3.    MA’s friendship
4.    My breathe. Have strep and respiratory things now and fever, but am on meds and am glad I HAVE breath: )
5.    God
6.    YOU
7.    Irl friends
8.    Therapist
9.    Reiki
10.                  Thich Nhat Hanh
11.                  Not giving up
12.                  That I was able to afford co-pay yesterday at dr’s
13.                  And meds at pharmacy
14.                  That sometimes today my throat doesn’t even hurt!
15.                  That I can work tomorrow
16.                  That I am so determined to
17.                  That I found Summer! He flew out so QUICKLY this morning and hid so well, it took me a while to find him! Must keep him safe! So glad he is safe.
18.                  Flowers
19.                  Zen to Zany on facebook
20.                  I have a car
21.                  J did my mother’s a/c
22.                  Summer has been out all day
23.                  I have a working tv
24.                  I have lights
25.                  Electricity
26.                  Plumbing
27.                  Wood floors
28.                  A job
29.                  Sweet students
30.                  No bad neighbors
31.                  The book “The Secret”
32.                  The book “The Power”
33.                  Computer teacher at work helping me
34.                  Principal apparently likes me
35.                  Water to drink
36.                  And for showering
37.                  Nice hair
38.                  Talking to MA yesterday AND today
39.                  Heat for my house when needed
40.                  Kandinsky
41.                  Artists
42.                  Museums nearby me
43.                  I’ve been to London!
44.                  And Stonehenge!
45.                  And Windsor Castle!
46.                  By myself!
47.                  And loved it!
48.                  Beaches
49.                  Swimming
50.                  The sound
51.                  Ocean
52.                  Lakes
53.                  Rivers
54.                  Streams
55.                  It is true – I DON’T own all the problems in the world!
56.                  This ______

57.                  And this_____

58.                  And K, my Reiki Master
59.                  That I am all planned for tomorrow. Plans done, things in order, classroom neat… Was so tired and sick by Friday afternoon almost didn’t do it but made self and am so glad for that: )
60.                  That I have so much more forgiveness than I used to have, in my heart. Like almost total perfect forgiveness. Wow. (Almost)
61.                  I woke up today
62.                  I’m alive
63.                  I’m healthy
64.                  I’m blessed.
65.                  W called and explained how he got to that attic.
66.                  It made sense to me.
67.                  Still not sure would see him again but feel he is not a serial killer or quite the loser. But milquetoast and too timid, yes. But at least maybe friend for a bit. We’ll see. Grateful he explained it all. Not all I’m sure but enough). And it is not like sick…
68.                  A IMs
69.                  My so much lesser jealousy
70.                  L’s friendship yes really
71.                  Music
72.                  Piano
73.                  Summer
74.                  Jewel
75.                  That I have plenty of food for them
76.                  And water too: )
77.                  I have things around this little house that I assure you I know are luxuries! My house is little and needs work but I have many things that are luxuries! For sure!
78.                  That my brain can think
79.                  I would not sell my eyes for 20 million dollars. So my eyes are priceless
80.                  I would not sell my legs for that either. So also priceless
81.                  Same with my feet
82.                  My hands
83.                  My fingers
84.                  My arms
85.                  Fever went much higher last night, but then seems to be coming down this morning. Not all better but I feel *substantially * better.*
86.                  Gratitudes
87.                  That I feel less dizzy today! Phew! Almost not dizzy at all. Phew.
88.                  That I realized I was wrong to say no to J when he offered to bring me things from store. I was able to ask myself, Why say no thank you? So he won’t find you to be a pain?  He has left you! Take the things you need for your health!
89.                  And I did.
90.                  And he did. Good.
91.                  Doggies
92.                  That the one we had is so close to J
93.                  Fresh organic greens
94.                  Water
95.                  Tea
96.                  Ibuprofen
97.                  That my self-esteem was much higher yesterday!
98.                  That I can type.
99.                  That I will be able to do my mother’s shopping after school. Phew.
100.              That I sleep every night.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wow I Have Changed a Lot - for the Better

So I am sick
But went to dr
Didn't wait too long. FOR ONCE.

Got the meds immediately. FOR ONCE.

Do not LIKE being sick and alone but am not depressed! FOR ONCE.

And J did come buy with some things for me - greens, water, sherbet, p.b, toilet paper, and bread.
And that was VERY nice of him!
And I DO appreciate!
I'm not like hooked on the idea of him or anyone else. I would LIKE to meet a nice someone and spend years and years together.
But since meditating daily - even though for such a short time each day -
I don't think about the future with fear!
I try to prepare a bit for it - started in terms of money however I can, health have just started too, but
Maybe when I'm old (if I am lucky enough to get old), I will live in an apartment or community
with friends all so near each other.
Happy and supportive of each other.
Almost like a commune.
Who knows?
Or maybe I'll meet someone and be with him and there will be extended family for me too.
Who knows?

I mean even L and I are nice friends now. He is dating someone, and I'm glad - that's good. But we are close friends. It's nice.
Who knows?

Another online nutjob - ick - but I didn't meet irl. Could get feel after several writings. And W (attic one) still wants to see me even as a friend, but M says, "You don't need any more crazies in your life."
But like, I'm not so upset about it!

Maybe I'll find the "standard" thing I want. Or maybe I'll find an alternative route. Or maybe I"ll invent one lol.

So I am living IN THE DAY. IN THE MOMENT. And not so much extending.

 "She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.

She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.

She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go. She didn’t search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.

She didn’t promise to let go. She didn’t journal about it. She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go.She didn’t analyze whether she should let go. She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didn’t call the prayer line. She didn’t utter one word. She just let go.

No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore."

Ernest Holmes


Thank God
I am healing now.
I know it.

(Thank God and YOU and irl friends and therapist and Reiki and Thich Nhat Hanh...) And:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Throughout day..

Am home sick. Going to dr. and pharmacy I'm sure after. Yet am ok. THIS is progress!


Clean up your life. Your the only one that can do it.


Friday, September 27, 2013

100 Grats

I want to be more POSITIVE in all my grats. Really focusing on how fortunate I truly am.

I am grateful:

1.    Sleeping at M’s Friday night
2.    Waking up and seeing all that color
3.    It is a whole 6 days later. But I am so grateful for feeling “in the moment” more. “In the moment” I am always safe. I have been *aware * of feeling “in the moment” more! Could it be those couple of minutes a day of meditation with the kids?
4.    Grateful that I give that to *them. *
5.    That morning last Sat with M. Together at her table, also sometimes doing our own thing.
6.    The huge lesson I learned. When she left, and I had all the time I wanted to come and go as I please, in her pretty house, from like 9:30 to 5. I like her house very much and have felt I’d much rather live there than here. But – I realized – on way out early to get hair cut – that HAD I stayed all day, I would have done ---
THE SAME THING I’D HAVE DONE HERE! Sat on couch with computer on my lap! I would NOT have been up and about with people in and out – standing, moving, kitchen, d.r. in and out etc. as she, who lives near parents of her kids’ friends and is an extrovcert and not a depressive does. I KNOW intellectually there is no such thing as a “geographical cure!” But I FELT it. It helped me A LOT.
7.    I came home and felt better about my home again and that *I * have to change. (GENTLY. Not angrily at myself.)
8.    Then got hair cut and colored
9.    And went for pedi. Yay.
10.                  I look nice every day now. Showered, a bit of makeup, nice clothes. Not dowdy.
11.                  Am there for my mother. Love her.
12.                  And she says to me, “I love you so much.”
13.                  Here aides. They are so good. I’m so glad we have them.
14.                  Her for saving all those years, so she can afford this (for now… fingers crossed)
15.                  That I have a job.
16.                  With health insurance. Pay up front and HIGH co-pays but I HAVE it and am truly grateful for it.
17.                  Books
18.                  The one I’m reading now, for the book course. It’s called The Light between Oceans
19.                  My very professional and friendly working relationship with the parents
20.                  Today will be “Fun Friday.” We will do a little walking meditation (2 minutes)
21.                  They will get double stickers
22.                  They will have a little SORT OF free choice period (but I’ll make sure it is worthwhile)
23.                  They will play some educational math games
24.                  We will go to the library too.
25.                  My principal
26.                  The assembly yesterday. Some teachers including me, on stage… Fun. Infectious energy in the room… The best of its kind I’ve seen!
27.                  My remembering – that as “shy” as I’ve ALWAYS been – really – there are times I can’t even speak(!) – that I have always been comfortable on stage omg! : )
28.                  My legs that walk
29.                  My arms that do so much. Two arms. We take for granted but it is a real miracle.
30.                  Awareness of the miracles in and around me.
31.                  A being a friend and not pushing the other stuff
32.                  Coffee in the morning. Helps my mood to go up: )
33.                  I put cinnamon in it this morning. And intend to continue
34.                  That I can read
35.                  That I can help others to too!
36.                  J. might come for dinner Sunday. Gulp. *Please no one comment negatively. Please. Thank you!
37.                  My hands
38.                  That I can type
39.                  Tv. Yes.
40.                  The Big Bang Theory. Which cheers me up a bit.
41.                  Dreams. I think I have the most interesting dreams when I’m asleep, of anyone in the world! Lol
42.                  Fb. I do NOT prefer it to human companionship! But at 4:45 am, there isn’t any human companionship around for me, and it helps me to not be lonely.
43.                  Prayer
44.                  When I pray for others.
45.                  That I am alive.
46.                  That I AM grateful to be alive!
47.                  A stove.
48.                  In this lovely fall weather, the desire to use it lol
49.                  And the slow cooker too
50.                  Lentil soup
51.                  Vegetables
52.                  Broccoli yesterday at lunch
53.                  And today too
54.                  Friends. Oh, thank God for friends.
55.                  YOU!
56.                  My dear birdies, Summer and Jewel
57.                  This weather
58.                  My conversations with L
59.                  He is dating someone. I am sorry to say I don’t have total faith in the long-term for them, but I will try to not to put that energy out there. I am glad he is happy now.
60.                  Maybe can go to MA’s and read today after school
61.                  Or come home and sleep. Yes. Probably should not go there as her health is fragile
62.                  My book group
63.                  The anti-bullying expert who is working with us this year
64.                  It has already helped the way I talk to the class
65.                  And I think it has helped the adults get along  better too. (Sad that needed, but is)
66.                  Doing some theater with my class!
67.                  And music soon. Singing.
68.                  Played Chopin for them. They loved it.
69.                  M
70.                  MA
71.                  St
72.                  My piano
73.                  Affirmations
74.                  Very positive fb sites. Inspirational.
75.                  That I smile more now
76.                  Maybe dating soon. Some prospects.
77.                  My earrings. That is a luxury. I like my earrings.
78.                  And my other jewelry too.
79.                  My jewelry armoire.
80.                  My pretty freshly-painted bedroom.
81.                  I think I will sleep in it later today.
82.                  The handyman I think I can get to come here and do a few things. Trustworthy (M’s) and supposedly a good price. Although her ideas of money and mine differ lol
83.                  Laughter
84.                  Word games
85.                  My iPad
86.                  My Nook
87.                  My iPhone 4. Is just fine for me!
88.                  Computer teacher helping me make a nice online newsletter
89.                  This ______

90.                  Buddhism
91.                  Thich Nhat Hanh
92.                  Weather reporter’s light-hearted way in the morning
93.                  My ears and hearing
94.                  Music
95.                  Apples – organic – honeycrisp, fuji, pink lady, …
96.                  Banana apples! Omg! Have only had like two in my life. They are amazing!
97.                  Trees
98.                  God
99.                  Grass
100.              Sky