Monday, February 24, 2014

And So - The Goal of This Day Is

to enjoy this day of life.
This gift.
To make the most of it.
To make the best of it.


Must Remember What Love. Especially with This Flood.

Major flooding. 4 times now in 2 ½ days. Kitchen floor may be ruined. Hope underfloor isn't. Have taken best care could. Must get to work. BUT – this is an inconvenience and annoyance and expense. It is not desperate. I will deal with grace.

I love:

1.      When my feet are dry (the flooding is over the tops of them 4 times in 2 days now). I love when they are warm and dry. Which is most minutes of my life! : )
2.      That my birds are alive and healthy
3.      That my intestinal system works
4.      I took my mother and her aide out yesterday for 3 ½ hours
5.      We had very nice time
6.      The weather was so nice yesterday and today
7.      That I have arms. And ABLE to scoop up the water
8.      Ad towels and sheets and clothes to dry up floor
9.      That I can walk
10.   That I can work
11.   That my house is less bad than a week and a half ago
12.   That I was abe to make coffee
13.   That I WILL get through this day
14.   And make it nice for children
15.   Magazines
16.   Books
17.   French
18.   God
19.   Prayers
20.   3 people and maybe 4 are praying for me
21.   My mother goes out of her way every time we talk now to say. I love you. Very much.
22.   Even clled back now once cause forgot to
23.   Food for the birds
24.   Veggies for me
25.   My Nutribullet
26.   That having just had one cup of fresh coffee, I feel like: Okay. So I’ll keep scooping. It appears the problem is coming from the dishwasher which is filled with water. I will keep scooping, and then put pans under it and more cloth all over floor, and go to work. That’s all. : )
27. That I only had one coffee. Will be too jittery with too : ) Okay. Good.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

THE Most Inspirational Person I Have Ever Heard of (and it was only this year)

Alice Herz-Sommer.
I promise you - if you watch this, it will be the best 11 minute you will ever invest in your life!!!!!!!
I give you my word.
If you feel you can't, then watch the 2 minute one (you'll see it below - they are labeled).
But watch.

I have been thinking of her since my horrible thinking-about-suicide-2-3 days this past week, and have been coming to the realization of how fortunate I am to HAVE life at all! Let alone the one I have!

And I now am committed to trying to remember Alice and Mommy (my mom, who is great at abiding, no matter the circumstances)  and A's mom who was the best at abiding despite having spent 5 years in a concentration camp, and coming out at 52 pounds straight to 2 years in a hospital right from being liberated. They had killed her cousin's baby in front of her and her cousin. Etc. etc. etc. And what an attitude about life! I am determined to do them justice by my life and appreciation. I swear I am.


2 minutes and some seconds - but really worthwhile. If you don't do the other, do this! Trust me!

Alice Herz-Sommer died today, at 110 years old. May God bless and rest her beautiful inspirational soul.

And if J. agrees to try, I will be happy. But if not, I am not about to miss out because one man doesn't want me. I don't WANT to miss out on the beach and the birds and French and piano and the blades of grass and the sweet fresh breezes and the flowers and sky and the children and reading and laughter and friends etc etc etc etc. 

This feels really like my MISSION now. I am not kidding.


More of What I Love. MUST do this. MUST stay sane:)

Must notice ALL CAN that love today. According to The Power

1.      I love that I woke up
2.      I love that I had coffee
3.      I love that it was already made
4.      I love that My birds have fresh kale
5.      I love that I gave it to them
6.      I love that they have fresh ater
7.      And that they have plenty of seeds and pellets
8.      And that I provide all that too
9.      And that now, they eat the pellets
10.   I love that I am able to walk through the house
11.   That innocent reruns are on
12.   That I lost a pound this week
13.   That I will eat well today
14.   That my buying-the-wrong-French-book dilemma seemst o finally be solved
15.   That I didn’t give up about it
16.   That the disc came too
17.   And I’ve listened to some
18.   And since it is a CD, not a DVD, I can listen in the car too (if it’s not too distracting
19.   I love that I managed to give M a good evening last night
20.   And I felt positive when left too
21.   I love that I wrote two songs in my dreams last night
22.   And was able to sing when I woke up for bathroom! Wow!
23.   I love that I have running watere
24.   I love that I am taking my mother and her aide M to lunch today
25.   I love that when I get back I will do a large load of laundry
26.   I love that I have a washing maching
27.   In the house
28.   That works
29.   And a place to hang the drying laundry
30.   I love that J Is considering whether to give us a try
31.   I love that A helped me so much when I was so unbearable depressed Tues and Wed
32.   I love that the hour and a half with the dr helped so much
33.   I love and appreciate EJ
34.   I love and appreciate Birdie
35.   I love and appreciate JJ
36.   I love MA
37.   I love that we are so close
38.   I love that she is getting so much of what she has to, done
39.   And that today will be like a day off for her, with her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson
40.   I love that mother’s aide M was able to call me when upset yesterday about her dead cat
41.   I love that I was here for her
42.   I love that L is my friend
43.   And that he tried ot help when I was so depressed Wed
44.   And that I have been helping him with his gf issues
45.   And that I helped MA with her asbestos issue, before she rushed in and made a big mistake!
46.   I love that garbage will be picked up here this Tuesday
47.   And that I should be able to see dr this Wed.
48.   I love that the snow is melting
49.   I love that I found a great 2 -3 minutes video for the kiddies for science for tomorrow
50.   I love laughter
51.   I love positivity
52.   I love inspiration on E’s fb page this morning
53.   I love my boys (birds) flapping and singing and eating this am
54.   I love that they are so close
55.   I love that I have a native French teacher
56.   I love that my house is less bad than a week and a half ago
57.   I love that I will keep going
58.   I love that I have eyeglasses
59.   I love that I have electricity
60.   I love that I can walk
61.   I love that I can see
62.   I love my oak tree
63.   I love the 64 page fairy tale, The Plain Princess by Phyllis McGinley
64.   I love this, a released chimp, in the wild, hugging jane goodall!:
65.   I love soft fabric
66.   I love Dawn dishwashing liquid
67.   I love that *I * unclogged my sink!
68.   I love that I have indoor plumbing
69.   I love that I have a toilet
70.   I love that I have a dishwasher
71.   I love that although I am very nervous about going back, that I HAVE the job!
72.   I love hope
73.   I love God
74.   I love The Power
75.   I love pencils. Yes, I do.
76.   Ordinary, daily little things
77.   That I am NOT NOW WILLING TO DIE if J doesn’t want me! Never see a beach again? A sunset? A blade of grass? Because one man might not want me?????
78.   I am so so grateful that I do appreciate life now
79.   Sitcoms. Yup
80.   My students. What I was promised would be the worst class of my life. One of my favorites ever! I love them!
81.   That I am helping them so much!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

100 loves...

I love:

1.      I don’t NEED compulsive bites
2.      I love French
3.      I love that I just paid off my credit card. ZERO balance
4.      I love that since I have to, I am HEALTHY ENOUGH TO WORK!
5.      I love that I HAVE the work, for my mental health now too
6.      I worked on the clogged kitchen sink!
7.      Like a jury being out long is a good sign, J. is still considering
8.      I love that I unclogged the sink.
9.      I love that dear A. helped me for 2 days straight!
10.   I love that I helped MA so much the night before last
11.   And that I helped L so much yesterday
12.   I love onine free jigsaw puzzles at jigsaw planet
13.   I love my birds
14.   I love modern art
15.   I love Kandinsky
16.   I love that I went to England
17.   I love London
18.   I love fractals
19.   I love digital art
20.   I love abstract art
21.   I love non-conformist art
22.   I love fb and connecting with people all over the world through it
23.   I love my blog and that I have it
24.   And that people read it
25.   I love being cozy in my warm house while the snow is coming down outside
26.   I love that I have a piano
27.   I love that I have a piano in my classroom too
28.   I love non-dairy puddings
29.   I love vegan jello – not that I should have much of either! (sugars)
30.   I love the book The Power
31.   I love EJ
32.   I love Birdie
33.   I love JJ
34.   I love Roseanne repeats, the early ones
35.   I love Two and a Hlaf Men repeats, the early innocent ones
36.   I love children
37.   I love animals
38.   I love sunlight
39.   I love parks
40.   I love fields
41.   I love walking
42.   I love J
43.   I love MA
44.   I love M
45.   I love food
46.   I love water
47.   I love companies that do not tet on animals
48.   I love fruit
49.   I love veggies
50.   I love that greens help me to feel better
51.   I love when I don’t eat wheat
52.   I love Ezekial bread which at least has no flour plus one slice is so filling
53.   I love light
54.   I love my iPhone plain old 4
55.   I love my laptop
56.   I love my hands
57.   I love my fingers
58.   I love word games like boggle
59.   And scrabble
60.   And popwords free app
61.   And word mine
62.   And spellathon
63.   And ladder something or other
64.   And quotation puzzles
65.   And figgerit
66.   I love fairy tales
67.   I love reading to the children
68.   I love laughing
69.   I love smiling
70.   I love my hair
71.   I love my eyes
72.   I love my eyesight. Just as it is.
73.   I love my car. Just as it is.
74.   I love sweet potatoes
75.   I love apples
76.   I love that my birds are free a lot
77.   I love their pretty singing (*I* call it singing – it may not be)
78.   I love orange
79.   I love yellow
80.   I love purple. All colors I didn’t always appreciate.
81.   I love diamonds
82.   I love rocks
83.   I love kind people
84.   I love forgiving people
85.   I love honest people
86.   I love understanding people
87.   I love deep people
88.   I love that I just took this inventory and got this, dreamy idealist and it is so me.
89.   I love people who are accepting
90.   I love people who are open-minded
91.   I love libraries
92.   I love bookstores
93.   I love that I can hear. Exactly as I do
94.   ***I love that I want to live! Oh thank you, God!
95.   I love God
96.   I love all natural water. Rivers  streams lakes oceans etc.
97.   I love profound things
98.   I love deep things
99.   I love people who really share of themselves
100. I love my book group.