Monday, August 12, 2013

68 Gratitudes on Walking !

1. I am grateful that I can walk.
2. That I was born with two legs.
3. And healthy ones.
4. And that my mother taught me to walk.
5. And that I have done so much of it.
6. Every single time I have walked at the park near where I grew up, which is near where I live now too!
7. Every single time I have walked at the park by the sound.
8. Every single time I have walk at the sound, on the beach, with the sand between my toes.
9. And in the water
10. And at the ocean
11. And in the ocean water
12. And in pools
13. And lakes
14. Every single time I have walked at the mall – and I used to do it ALL THE TIME, for LONG TIMES
15. Every single time J and I did indoor mall-walks
16. And even “supermarket walks” for exercise!
17. And every single time we walked in the Poconos
18. And in the Catskills
19. And the walk to the beach right downstairs, on our honeymoon
20. The walks I talk in Santa Monica while he was at work
21. And the ones we took when he wasn’t at work, on the pier
22. The walks I used to take with B. They helped me get back into exercise
23. The walks I used to take at one of the estates with 50 miles of trail. It was not open to the public, but joggers were allowed in, and I was with the joggers
24. The cows I saw on those walks
25. And the bull
26. The walks at the zoos here
27. And in L.A.
28. And in Barbasos
29. The walks in Bermuda
30. OMG the walks in London!
31. And in the park at Kensington
32. The walk at the Tower
33. Nad at Windsor Castle
34. And at Buckinham Palace
35. And in the streets in North London
36. And in the heart of the city, by the shops…
37. The walking meditation walks with Thich Nhat Hanh
38. And with our sangha
39. And with J
40. And alone
41. The walks with little-dog of leash!
42. The walk throughhthe mall with M
43. The walks by work at lunchtime, with Ma and P.
44. The “planet walks” with the students
45. The walks I used to take every morning to the bakery for a blueberry muffin (tiny in those days – the muffin – and me lol) and a cup of tea
46. The walk I took THIS MORNING. Only 4 blocks. But felt great.
47. The walks – oh the glorious walks – J and I used to take so frequently at the gardens. Like 4 x a week!
48. And they healed me of the injury
49. And of pneumonia
50. The walks that I have ENJOYED. By myself. Even when I didn’t know J.
51. So that WALKS are NOT about J.
52. The treadmill walks healing me from injury
53. The treadmill walks here at home
54. That I HAVE the treadmill
55. The walks on PINK sand in Bermuda
56. The walks in the taller building when I worked there. So many stairs all the time
57. The walks in this building – oe floor but SO laid out
58. The walks in the woods when I was little.
59. The walks to friends’ houses when I was little
60. The walks home from school. Long walks every day no matter the weather. So good for me!
61. The walks in the book”The Secret Garden”
62. The walks from the bus stop as a teen, every day
63. The miles of walks at a time to G’s house as a teen
64. And in nthe woods with him ; )
65. That my legs are STILL strong
66. The jogging I did too.
67. How quickly my body responds and gets better. Annd has with walking, every single time
68. That my mother, with all her leg problems, and needing a walker now, can still walk

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