Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Things Someone Else Might Be Praying for, Which I Am Fortunate Enough to Have:

1. voice
2. berath
3. water
4. birdies
5. trees
6. tiger lilies
7. tulips
8. grass (well weeds, but short and low and green)
9. oxygen
10. a home
11. a roof
12. a car
13. ability to drive
14. ability to see
15. ability to hear
16. 2 working kidneys
17. a good strong liver
18. a piano
19. ability to play it
20. a piano teacher
21. a job
22. a mother
23. friends
24. care for my mother – expensive – she saved all her life and is able to do this now thank God
25. good doctors (I try not to need doctors)
26. access to organic foods
27. a love for animals
28. I don’t eat animals. There are some people who have NO CHOICE what to eat
29. Cantaloupe in my fridge right now
30. And lettuces
31. 3 meals a day
32. water bottles, stainless steel
33. a stove
34. a treadmill
35. wood floors
36. windows
37. hair
38. tea
39. coffee
40. ability to have orgasms
41. I have been in love
42. I have not committed crimes
43. I am not a drug addict. I don’t do drugs at all
44. I am not an alcoholic. I don’t drink (a little wine now and then)
45. Friends
46. A good IQ
47. Beautiful breasts
48. Nice feet
49. No daily chronic pain
50. Stores nearby
51. A wonderful father. He is no longer alive but he was a great one!
52. I can live by myself. Would rather be part of a family, but at least do not HAVE TO have a roommate to afford my life!
53. I have been on 4 retreats with Thich Nhat Hanh!
54. And seen him in NYC also
55. I have eaten at restaurants
56. Including
57. Vegetarian ones
58. And vegan ones
59. I have been to plays
60. And concerts
61. And a castle
62. And palaces
63. And Harrod’s
64. I have been in NYC at Christmastime
65. I have swam in the ocean
66. And sound
67. And river
68. And lake
69. I have both legs
70. And both arms
71. Both feet
72. And both hands
73. A good heart
74. And esophagus
75. I can swallow (I remember when my mother couldn’t)
76. I have a cell pone
77. And a land line, both
78. M gave me two file cabinets full of stuff for next year
79. I have spent hours coming up with good ideas for these kids. They are a hard class but I WILL help them!!!!
80. That I have the honor of HAVING a class! GETTING to teach children!
81. My desk at work. J got it for me. It is real wood, not like those icky teacher desks
82. I have a SmartBoard in my room
83. And help for using it
84. I have a laptop
85. I have a tv. It is like 25 years old, a box one, but it works and I am happy with it!
86. I have a small stereo
87. And even a portable radio
88. I have a sunroom. No heat… but it is a room and my birdies love it
89. I can sing on key and help my children with this (students)
90. I live where today there is a breeze
91. And I can freely move about in it
92. I have freedom of speech
93. And of religion
94. And of career choice
95. My parents paid for college
96. I can cook for myself and feed myself and afford the food. Many people cannot : (
97. I have a therapist
98. I have hope
99. I am not terminally ill, today.
100. I have the eyeglasses I need
101. I have supplements
102. And Claritin

103. And this

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