Monday, March 24, 2014

100 Gratitudes Today

1.     I am grateful that my coughing is getting better.
2.     I am grateful that my mother got her Medicaid card. She really needed it.
3.     I am grateful that I am good to my students.
4.     I am grateful for my French lessons.
5.     I am greateful that people irl seem to want to befriend me. A lot. All my life (More than I need in fact as I am an introvert and ned some down time).
6.     I am grateful that while Sat was a free total day off – first in a month, it got lonely but Sunday my coughing was improved enough that I was able to go to the library and do my French work
7.     I am grateful for the French work.
8.     I am grateful for Anthony, the lawyer
9.     I am grateful for my children (students) loving doing plays
10.  I am grateful for my Nutribullet.
11.  And drinking green drinks
12.  A’s friendship
13.  Coffee in the mornings
14.  The feeling yesterday, after so much stress and not a day off for a month, when I stepped out of the car at the library, and felt a sigh of relief – AND happy.
15.  I am grateful that I can breathe
16.  And walk
17.  And see
18.  And drive
19.  And learn French
20.  And read
21.  And chat with people at work
22.  And get along with my coworkers
23.  And my friendship with L
24.  I am very very grateful that J and I have grown and are THINKING about whether to spend more time together…
25.  And that he took me out for my birthday last Sat night
26.  And we had such a great time
27.  And he treated of course
28.  And was very gentlemanly
29.  And so funny
30.  That I am a nice person
31.  I am grateful for a little makeup.
32.  NOT tested on animals!
33.  With no animal products of course
34.  And skin cream too
35.  And that I use so little of it
36.  God is with me. (With us all)
37.  I am so grateful that the children have requested to start leading the breathing game!
38.  And one mother came in, during.
39.  Being led in meditation by the children, is an amazing and most beautiful thing!!
40.  I am grateful for Chopin
41.  I am grateful for Schubert
42.  I am grateful for shoes
43.  And public libraries
44.  And my piano
45.  For enough energy to do my work every day. Because the truth is, even when I feel that I don’t have it, I do make it through
46.  That my students are happy
47.  And know they are safe not just physically, but emotionally with me.
48.  I am grateful for positive fb posts
49.  And for the recent healp from my therapist
50.  I am grateful for everyone who is trying to save nature.
51.  For organic foods
52.  For water. access to plenty of fresh, clean water. What a blessing in this day and age
53.  I am grateful for singing with the students
54.  For the professional development we get
55.  For a piano in my classroom
56.  For my mother’s great care that she is getting
57.  For my little house
58.  Shelter
59.  Greens!
60.  I DO have the ability to lose weight
61.  My life can be happy today if I DECIDE it is! (not even will be, but IS)
62.  Fractal art
63.  The url
64.  I am grateful that my tv is working after ll. Don’t have to replace it yet
65.  I am grateful for my job
66.  And that I have a salary
67.  And am able to help children
68.  I am grateful for my fingers
69.  Typing
70.  Embroidery – and I think I shall do some soon again
71.  Books
72.  Some ebooks too
73.  I am grateful for every bit of love
74.  For dogs being rescues – including those I’ve rescued
75.  For birdsong
76.  For trees
77.  For oxygen
78.  For M.A.
79.  And M.
80.  And St
81.  For deep clean breaths
82.  For mindfulness in all forms and aspects
83.  For lights
84.  For the sunshine
85.  For spring coming
86.  For coloring sheets for the kiddies
87.  For Vegetarian Times magazine
88.  For sleep
89.  For such interesting dreams
90.  For ducklings
91.  And signets
92.  And goslings
93.  For rivers
94.  And lakes
95.  And streams, brooks, and creeks
96.  For oceans
97.  For my shower
98.  And bathtub
99.  For my kitchen sink
100.                 For my flushing toilet
These may, some of them, seem trivial, but for each I am truly grateful.

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