Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today's Reading - Voices of Recovery

"Our Higher Power is the only source of help that is always available to us, always strong enough to lift us up and set our feet on the path of life." OA 12 & 12 p. 98 Bingeing, turning to others for comfort, and addictive behaviors were my ways of coping with life before OA. Now I'm reassured by trusting that twenty-four hours a day, in every situation, God is within me to lovingly guide and direct my life. The ability to maintain abstinence through the struggle of homelessness, the pain of emotional relapse, and the fear of financial insecurity are evidence to me of a power greater than myself. Daily practice of prayer and meditation allows direct conscious contact with this source of healing and strength. When self-will runs riot, or character defects flare up, I trust my Higher Power to lead me back to a path of sane living. In recovery I enjoy an intimate relationship with God; spiritual friends; family; OA fellowship; and a safe, secure home. I am grateful to be beyond food obsession and harmful behaviors. A joy I could only imagine in the past is mine today, with my Higher Power guiding my life.

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