Sunday, February 2, 2014

I'm Feeling Like... (and adding throughout day)

... I can be ME.
Like I AM good enough.
Flawed, real, human, but good enough, just as everyone else is.

I am a vegan. I don't ask anyone else to be. But I can insist that if someone wants to be close to me, they will accept this about me.

I like humor, and a bit of travel, and some socializing, but I am basically a quiet person. Always have been. Kind of deep. Very spiritual. Love things like piano, reading, crewel work, walking, NATURE. And that's okay! Anybody who doesn't like that, can spend time with who/what they *do* like. No problem! I don't have to change who I am for anyone!

I love animals. I care very very deeply for non-human animals. If anyone who thinks they know me doesn't realize that of COURSE I care for humans, oh well too bad. Of COURSE I do! (I am a teacher, for goodness' sake. I devote most of my waking hours and most of my energy to children!)

I am dramatic. I feel things deeply. J. hates this. Well, he liked it in the beginning - how little it takes for me to feel happy...  But anyway, it is what it is. I not only can't change it, but I no longer want to dampen it in expression, for anyone else!

I have just as much a right to be here as anyone and everyone else. And I'm glad to finally know it!

Distracted now - maybe more later:)


"Leafy greens, the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet, were the best predictor of extreme longevity." Wow. And look how my body reacts when I don't get them. My body DOES know! My system IS good! I CAN trust myself!
(quote from p. 92 Eat to Live)

I tried pretending. Embarrassed to admit but always 100% honest here. I tried pretending - from an interest in baseball decades ago, to an inner contentment in early days with J, to feeling less dramatic , with him a few years ago.... I WILL NOT PRETEND. I WILL CONTINUE TO IMPROVE. BUT I WILL NOT PRETEND. NEVER AGAIN. NO MORE. NOT FOR ANYONE EVER! And I am good with that. 7 billion people. Some will have to like me lol!

I am a person who needs some down time. Some quiet time. Tv or magazines or puzzles or needlework. Sometimes a nb nearby - because THAT (like today) is when my best ideas, thoughts, feelings can come up.
And that if fine too!
Great, in fact!
I am an INFP (Meyers Briggs) and proud of it! (As I believe everyone should be proud of whatever they are)

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