Sunday, February 16, 2014

More "Things I Love!"

New Category
Pets Plus

1.      Sh, my first doggie. Ghat sweet little “accident” of birth who brought us such joy, and I hope we did, her.
2.      L
3.      Ly the two I tried to save and rescued for as long as I could (years)
4.      Ec also got as puppy – from shelter . Did my best
5.      First bird, Bl, Saved his life from *pneumonia! *
6.      Sp
7.      Mi other two birds
8.      M, doggie J and I saved and had great ytears with. Changed her life
9.      Summer
10.   Jewel
11.   Z and lab we saedfor others
12.   Aunt R’s spaniel, S
13.   Aunt L’s beagle, Sm
14.   B, the dog for whom I “babysat” when I was very little girl (and who bit my face I still have the scar lol because at 5 years old I thought, “dogs like to bite people. Maybe they want people to bite them! “And I tried to bite his back oh my! haha
15.   MA’s cats
16.   S’s cat
17.   Ks dogs
18.   K’s cats
19.   D’s dog
20.   O’s bird, D
21.   Every animal sanctuary
22.   Every goat I have petted
23.   Every lamb too
24.   And every piglet
25.   The sow I gave Reiki to at the place where they raise them for flesh: (
26.   And the people who help! Including Tippi Hedron
27.   Bob Barker
28.   Betty White
29.   Toby McGuire
30.   Ian Somerhalder
31.   Paul McCartney
32.   PETA
33.   Ellen Degeneras
34.   St. Francis of Assisi. And his influence on me.
35.   Thich Nhat Hanh
36.   Ian Somerhalde
37.   Sarah McLachlan
38.   Emmylou Harris
39.   Ke$ha
40.   Sophia Bush
41.   Howard and Beth Stern
42.   Ben Franklin
43.   Brigitte Bardot
44.   Julie Christie
45.   Pamela Anderson
46.   Ali McGraw
47.   Stella McCartney
48.   Bea Arthur
49.   James Cromwell
50.   Linda Blair
51.   Alicia Silverstone
52.   Doris Day
53.   Pink
54.   Isabella Rossellini
55.   Cloris Leachman
56.   Mary Tyler Moore
57.   Bernadette Peters
58.   Heather Mills
59.   Edie Falco
60.   Casey Casem
61.   Pierce Brosnan
62.   Casey Afflect
63.   Shirley Jones
64.   Linda Hunt
65.   Alec Baldwin
66.   Loretta Swit
67.   Hulk Hogan and his wife
68.   Ed Begley Jr
69.   Sara Gilbert
70.   Mike Farrell
71.   Jane Goodall
72.   Dr. Francine (Penny) Patterson
73.   Dian Fossey
74.   Rue McClanahan
75.   Bill Maher
76.   Tim Gunn
77.   Eva Mendes
78.   Christina Applegate
79.   People whose writings have helped me so much. Including John Robbins
80.   Dr. Neal A Bernard
81.   T. Colin Campbell
82.   Joel Fuhrman
83.   Jonathan Safran Foer
84.   Friedman and Barnouin
85.   Movies that have helped too like Finding Nemo
86.   Babe
87.   Charlotte’s Web
88.   And other famous vegans including Mayim Bialik
89.   Jessica Chastain
90.   Alan Cumming
91.   Bruce Friedrich (director of Farm Sanctuary)
92.   Larry Hagman
93.   Daryl Hannah
94.   Woody Harrelson
95.   Anne Hathaway
96.   Don Imus
97.   Coretta Scott King
98.   k.d. lang
99.   Carl Lewis
100. Michelle Pfeiffer
101. Natalie Portman
102. Portia de Rossi
103. Grace Slick
104. Christine Taylor
105. Carrie Underwood
106. Meredith Vieira
107. Barry White
108. Olivia Wilde
109. Vanessa A Williams
110. Bill Clinton
111. Alanis Morissette
112. Russell Simmons

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