Sunday, December 23, 2012

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful: 1. Praying to God this morning. 2. Facebook. 3. A’s emails and messages 4. Starbuck’s Christmas coffee. I was given a little as a gift. It’s so good. What a luxury. 5. My lamp in the den. It’s so cozy. There’s something about it I just love. 6. Light bulbs. Really. 7. M’s calls am. 8. That I will be here for HER. 9. Emails 10. Not being alone in cyberspace! 11. Assemblies at school. 12. Presents 13. This class. I love them. I have had some very difficult classes. I love them. 14. This principal. I love her too. I have had a couple of really difficult ones. So grateful for her. 15. Fresh spinach! 16. The miracle of onions! 17. And now it’s Saturday. I’m grateful it’s Saturday 18. And that I’m off from work. 19. And doggie might come today! 20. Grateful that I went out with M. for an hour or so last night. 21. And dumped that dating sites guy whom I think is not trustworthy – maybe married or something. 22. And that I got through my almost-phobia and went into the little city nearby to two stores, through all the not-knowing-where-I-was-going and all the Christmas TRAFFIC(!) 23. And that I got the thing for me I wanted. 24. And the little gift I wanted to get too. 25. Today’s Each Day a New Beginning. Wow, that’s a good one. 26. I am grateful for spinach. 27. And I bought my own Starbuck’s Christmas Coffee 28. I am grateful for Barnes and Noble bookstore 29. And my Nook. Especially in bed. 30. I’m thankful for hope 31. And this vacation. 32. And I THINK I’m thankful for this new friendship with A. 33. I am thankful for piano. And that during practice, I am in that moment; my head isn’t spinning elsewhere. 34. I was up so early that I just napped. And I’m glad I did! 35. And now it is Sunday. I am grateful for the waking up this morning. 36. L talking about purposeful universe or not, on the phone this morning 37. That he calls. For now that’s nice. 38. Coffee. Starbuck’s Christmas coffee this morning. 39. And that I gave a package of it to J. 40. When he brought – doggie here! Doggie is here! Yay! 41. And her tail has been wagging so much! 42. And she was so happy to see me! 43. And cuddly! 44. And playful! 45. And in my bed at night with me too for part of the night. 46. That I have never been in a fire. 47. Typing. 48. Roseanne repeats 49. I slept last night. A deep sleep. 50. Have cleaned up a bit. 51. I am grateful for trees. 52. And the park nearby. 53. And that I’ll be walking doggie today. 54. The opportunity to take my mother shopping. 55. The stars 56. The planets 57. And that I have seen them in the sky 58. And that I have taught some astronomy. 59. The radio show, Coast to Coast. 60. Books 61. Sheet music 62. Lamps 63. Electricity 64. My stove 65. Vegetable, especially organic ones. 66. Nuts 67. Peanut butter 68. Water. Access to plenty of fresh, clean water. 69. Intelligent conversation 70. Sex. 71. My body 72. My ability to walk 73. My ability to see 74. My ability to speak 75. I have never been a prisoner. Of any kind. 76. God 77. Prayer 78. Universal connectedness 79. Windows 80. “My” oak tree 81. Wood floors 82. That I have a car 83. People who think outside the box 84. People who think inside the box too 85. Myers-Briggs 86. Cabinets in my kitchen 87. Doggie’s little bark. So cute. 88. Chairs 89. Throw pillows 90. My heated mattress pad 91. My pillows on the bed 92. Good movies 93. That I enjoy acting. 94. Wood 95. Metal 96. Jewelry 97. Gemstones 98. Window treatments 99. Towels 100. Pretty undies

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