Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yesterday's 100 Gratitudes, Finished and Posted Today

Pain –using l. h. only but still affects r.h …– trying - hurts – but I did it!

1. K calling
2. Us going out
3. Dinner
4. Walk at shopping center
5. Back here for movie
6. Cute movie
7. K e-mail today
8. M e-mail today
9. O saying we’re ok
10. Will do laundry –
11. Will not rush it
12. Mother sounds well
13. Fresh coffee
14. Maybe church later?
15. New Bible coming
16. Hope
17. Sponsor
18. Pain not AS bad
19. People who are nice, and not bullies
20. That I don’t feel suicidal
21. Breeze last night
22. Sleep last night
23. Health
24. That still doing spiritual work
25. That off from work
26. That eating better
27. The puppies yesterday
28. That K has a good plan for herself
29. And has started actions for it
30. Water
31. Freedom
32. That I can walk
33. That my kidneys work
34. Cell phones
35. Music
36. Vegetables available
37. Health
38. Evening now - Have not felt this way since my birthday! Actually smiling. Time iwth threegirlfriends, separately, in one day. And Mass. Good.
39. Mass
40. Eucharist
41. Mar explaining Gospel to me, since Mass turned out to be in Spanish
42. Dinner out
43. Mar insisted on paying
44. Day at K’s
45. Outside
46. Beautiful breeze
47. Sweetheart doggie
48. Gorgeous black cat
49. Butterflies
50. Many many flowers
51. Scrabble
52. Visit with her mother too
53. Chinese food veggies
54. They paid
55. And surprised me with them
56. Neighbor let us use his yard!
57. And great phone call with O
58. Snack and Two and Half Men now
59. Less pain today
60. Only one pill all day, yay
61. And one now for bed – glad have but also glad don’t need so many
62. I think Mar was planning to buy me a Bible – and was almost disappointed that I’d already done it, and that might be why she paid for dinner
63. K prayed for us right out loud in front of/with me!
64. I took a great walk to K’s house
65. And back. Walking. Good.
66. Next morning: done am work so far today
67. O called invited
68. Mau called invited to movie
69. Coda later
70. F.T. 8/6: OA appeared…when I ready
71. “illness forced me to look in that direction
72. “it was all left;no human power could relieve my compulsion
73. “F.t.: Am I open to suggestions Do I avoid judging without investigation Do I seek to know – and do – God’s will
74. 8/7”…What freedom to know I am not all-powerful – that I cannot make people play the roles I create for them, no matter how excellent the casting
75. lots more but typing hurts too much. “F.t. There is no finer way to treat people than to accept them as they are”
76. 8/6 Voices of Rec. about peace and comfort from NOT over-consuming but turning it over to my Higher Power
77. 8/6 In This Moment: growing up trying so hard to impress people to be accepted
78. as adult too
79. “In coda …dishonesty never helped me. I am honest when I share in meetings and people there accept me…trying to live healthier life…with the 12&12
80. 8/7 “…Power greater than myself can restore me to sanity.
81. “…my H.P. loves me unconditionally
82. “All need to do is surrender to that positive spiritual force”
83. Will go to O’s and finish my book and prepare for tomorrow, with God’s help
84. 8/6 Language of Letting Go: “Problems are made tp be solved!
85. “…the idea that problems occur regularly need never be a surprise.” Wow. Wish had realized sooner. Glad do now.
86. “ The good news is that for every problem, there’s a solution.
87. “Sometimes…something can do: other times need to struggle, flounder, do our part then trust H.P. for help.”
88. “…sometimes learning something
89. “sometimes get us headed in better direction
90. “can learn to accept problems
91. “can learn to solve problems
92. “can learn to trust our ability to solve problems
93. can learn discern which to solve/which leading in new way
94. focus on solution not on problem
95. “maintain positive attitude toward life and the inevitable flow of problems ad solutions
96. “Today I will learn to trust solutions, rather than be victimized by problems.
97. “…I will learn to trust the flow of problems and solutions
98. “God, help me solve the problems I can solve today.
99. “ help me let go of the rest.
100. “ Help me believe in my ability to tackle and solve problems.
101. ‘Help me trust the flow.
102. “For each problem there is a solution.”

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