Friday, September 2, 2011


I am grateful:

1. Up and coming tennis star Sloane Stephens saying, “Count your blessings, not your worries.”
2. Going to health food store today, with friend, and getting some good things.
3. Falling in love – in love – with that gorgeous yellow cockatiel today
4. That he was already “spoken for” by another person, *with * a waiting list. Because I really shouldn’t be getting a bird right now, I guess: )
5. Lunch today with MA, LM, and O
6. Get to take mother to bank and shopping tomorrow
7. Get to have hair cut and colored tomorrow too
8. ***Get doggie tomorrow for 3 days! Yay!
9. Nice weather right now.
10. Phone talks this morning
11. J. and I being nice to each other.
12. Losing weight now.
13. Eating more cleanly now.
14. Yesterday, former student who can be tricky but I “got” and was good to, coming to see me with wonderful mom and cute little brother too
15. And special former student, who had a *great * year with me and I worked *really hard * to help him (!) coming to visit me with loving mom too
16. And meeting some new students who’ll be in my class starting Tuesday.
17. And that they’re so adorable.
18. And that reminded me what it’s about. *Why * I spent all those days in the dust and must and boxes and ickity work. For them. Good : )
19. That, being so exhausted and achy last night, I got to sleep for like 15 hours! Body needed it, and I got it.
20. Listening to Rosie O’Donnell on Oprah today (repeat)
21. That I have no diseases today. That’s really lucky.
22. That I had a salad slice with no dressing today.
23. And fresh fruit. Yummy.
24. That I went to lunch for a break from work yesterday.
25. With O
26. And had plum wine. On a weekday. In the daytime (no students of course). Fun.
27. My friendship with my mother
28. That someone in an online community said really nice things to me today about who I am.
29. And someone else sent me love and light and good wishes.
30. That the woman who had to help me with a business online thing today was so patient and lovely
31. And that I wrote an e-mail to the company praising her by name.
32. That my friends and I tipped the two busboys today, who were so very nice! (as compared with our waiter who was not so much, although we tipped him a bit too). One of the busboys was like shocked! And the other was very grateful. And I felt good that we found them and did that.
33. That other people get through rough things and I can too.
34. That I am able to type these things today!
35. That my classroom is done!
36. And it is nice!
37. And although there are three very high sections of things J. had previously put up, I did all the end-of-year stuff and all the summer-set-up stuff without him this year.
38. I just know the kids will be very comfortable, safe, busy and happy in there.
39. That I had a good session with my shrink this week
40. That I’ll continue to exercise more this school year.
41. That people at work this week, who haven’t seen me since June, were commenting that I looked great.
42. And about my nice skin too!
43. That I pray.
44. Hope.
45. That even though I did choose to stay here through the hurricane, 2 people invited me to go to their homes if needed, plus one said she would if only there was a second bedroom (because she was with her husband in the one).
46. Silly, and maybe hard to admit, but I’m grateful for the tabloids because sometimes it just relaxes me to read them.
47. And for good books too!
48. And for foreign films.
49. And for Archie comics.
50. And that although many people without money assume rich people are all a certain way, I know a number of wealthy people who are loving and have deep values and are raising great kids. (PS I am *not * a person with money. I *know * them. I am not one *of * them lol)
51. Love. In all its forms
52. I’m happy for that person/family who will be getting that wonderful cockatiel with the great personality.
53. I am grateful that although I have been craving eggs for a few weeks now, I have not broken my veganism.
54. And that some friends have had ideas about what it might be.
55. And that every day now I shower or bathe, and dress nicely, and wear a little makeup and fix my hair, and some days a *little * perfume.
56. And that the shoes I wore today were pretty, and had polka-dots on the inside.
57. And that even if I don’t cook today or tomorrow, I have enough healthy food here.
58. That I am not as much an isolator as I used to be.
59. That I love animals and they love me, mostly.
60. That my friend’s sick cat is doing well for the day.
61. That I might just go to a movie by myself.
62. That I am back at work with M. I have missed her and we are so good to each other.
63. That I paid for O’s strawberries today, and tried to pay for her lunch too, as she drives us both so much.
64. Authenticity. And everyone who has it.
65. Lack of pretense. And everyone who has it.
66. Integrity. And everyone who has it.
67. Great children’s books.
68. That I have 3 pretty skirts.
69. Music
70. That both of my dogs, the one who died 7 years ago and the one I have now, love it (music).
71. Polenta, I think.
72. 12-step programs.
73. Some life hints I do learn from the Dr. Phil show.
74. Dr. Oz show.
75. And that I may even try to go to it soon!
76. The cozy feel of the sweatery pink thing I was wearing today.
77. Water. I’m always grateful for water.
78. My strong heart.
79. That although I have some depression, fear, loneliness, regrets (!) and stuff, I also am somewhat relaxed right now.
80. That my shrink and friends have said I’ve done great this first week (and a half) since J. said he does not see us ever getting back together.
81. Psychology
82. Philosophy
83. Reiki
84. Meditation
85. That a colleague at work told me this week that Thich Nhat Hahn, about whom she learned from me, has changed her life.
86. And – then a parent asked me for info on how to learn more about him at least online.
87. That some people are so open-minded about others and all of our differences, as long as we are good people.
88. That I think I am generally an accepting person.
89. The Golden Rule.
90. Everyone who has ever read my blog, and kept me from being all alone in cyber-space.
91. That I’ve connected with may people at work. I’m glad about that.
92. That children always – always – feel, and are, safe with me. I’m so grateful for that.
93. That I have a good brain. I had cognitive damage from an injury once, and so I especially do appreciate being able to think.
94. That I’m *finally * beginning to learn that life is an adventure. That it’s okay, and good, and normal, and reality to not be able to know what’s coming!
95. And that accepting that makes it all better!
96. That I am on day 22 of eating well! Wow.
97. Deep breaths. I just found myself experiencing one.
98. People who respect me.
99. People whom I respect.
100. That it doesn’t matter what job or volunteer work or housework etc. etc. that we do, as long as we do it honestly and with integrity. *All * of it is worth something to the world.
101. My cousin Jo, and that we connected today.

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