Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some Gratitudes

Can't type enough for too many.

I am grateful:

1. Nice visit here with J last night
2. Some sleep
3. Remembering to take my allergy pill yesterday.
4. Sweaters
5. Getting the garbage out for today, may they take it!
7. Even though my legs hurt, as many of ours do at the beginning of the school year, even young thin ones, I am so grateful I am able to do all I need to with them:)
8. That my skin feels good today.
9. Shallow, but I'm grateful for makeup
10. And nice shoes, which I have a few of, for the first time in my life.
11. Enough money for food
12. Blanket in bed
13. Option for pretty ride to work when have a few more minutes. Very pretty; very nature-filled.