Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Journal - Me, and the Garbage

Why can't I get the recycling out?
The garbage, yes. but the recycling is building and building. It's too early when I get home; I'm *way* too tired at night, and I can't get myself to move in the morning.
What am I going to do about it?
I wish it were collected on the weekends.
Maybe next week I can do it?
If I clean and eat well and get rest before then?
Oh brother


  1. In my townhouse development we're not supposed to put the trash and recycling out until after dinner. But, everyone is on different schedules so who says when we eat dinner? I say as long as it's not sitting out there for two days it's fine.

    But your recycling out when you get home and don't worry about being too early.

  2. We put our recycling out in the late afternoon the day before. Other people in our neighbourhood do the same thing. Or maybe you could pay a neighbourhood kid a couple of dollars to take it out. Easy money. ;-)
