Saturday, July 20, 2013

81/100 Grats so far today

I am grateful:

1. EJ’s advice to just BE not always WORK ON BEING. So grateful.
2. Kayleigh saying something similar too
3. This day off. To do whatever the fuck I want! : )
4. Fb cheerful posts and beautiful posts and funny posts.
5. I just saw one, dog playing in snow “…”Yippee I am so glad I am me… oh boy oh boy oh boy me is good.” Makes me smile! So good. So cute
6. Doing for my mother yesterday. Getting off my frightened naval-gazing butt (mixed metaphor omg) and just doing
7. Then taking both a bath AND a shower. Felt good.
8. Then going for pedicure.
9. And – insisting it was too hot in there. I was very polite. But we the customers were sweating! This is a luxury item… So owner was saying things like, “New air conditioner. It works. Maybe is too small. But it is on. It is fine. Maybe too much window…” I said, politely and pleasantly, but clearly, “Jennifer, it kind of doesn’t really matter if it’s new or old, big or small, on high or low. If we are sweating, something ISN’T working!” And they cooled the place off : ) I used to be a wimp and would have sweated and gone home and had to take another shower. Not now
10. Then I went on “blind date.” 2nd one ever.
11. Got there fine
12. “Insisted” on meeting INSIDE public place and with each other’s cell phone numbers
13. And googled him first too
14. And gave his infor to M
15. Looked pretty enough
16. Felt good enough
17. Had decent enough time.
18. Got home safely
19. Might not see him again – might – but had decent time out and he is safe and cute and smart and well-spoken (we just might not have much in common) and it was living – not sitting around navel-gazing yay
20. Helping my mother, which I do out of unselfish reasons, always winds up helping me.
21. Birdies are singing right now.
22. All the deer I have seen irl
23. And the zillion squirrels, of different colors – including white!
24. Good books
25. Humor
26. Jokes
27. Cats. I can’t have am allergic (plus now have birds). But I appreciate cats.
28. The health of my birdies
29. That they eat millet from my hand
30. That I have an activity center for them
31. That I have toys for them
32. Practicing the Presence through Mind and Meditation"Beginning today..
Declare out loud to the Universe
that you are willing to let go of struggle
and eager to learn through Joy."
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach ~ This_________
33. This_______
34. My car. I love my car. Bought it used (first time ever) so got more features for less money.
35. Shiny silver
36. Mazda 6. Love it. Love it love it love it.
37. Nice chat with MA today
38. I will go to lunch with her and ML tomorrow! Yay!
39. Nice chat and laughs with my mom today
40. Nice chat with A
41. And L.
42. Whose call woke me. I LOVE that.
43. Organic ugly tomatoes
44. My large amethyst ring
45. My parents buying it for me for my 8th grade “graduation”
46. Me picking it out and actually saying to them, “will I still be able to wear it when I’m old? Like 25”
47. And I love wearing it NOW still. And frequently get compliments!
48. That I still have that receipt! Omg
49. This
50. Water
51. Hope
52. My principal
53. And one before her
54. And one before – all but one, actually. Wow. Good
55. Sandwiches. Healthy hearty sandwiches
56. This. Oh my gosh. 1 minutes and 16 seconds. So good!
57. Rivers in the Ocean
I let it go. It’s like swimming against the current. It exhausts you. After a while, whoever you are, you just have to let go, and the river brings you home.
~ Joanne Harris
58. I’m reading Defending Jacob by William Landay. Liking it!
Practicing the Presence through Mind and Meditation
"Remember that your perception of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness. You are not separate from it, and there is no objective world out there. Every moment,
your consciousness creates the world that you inhabit."
~ Eckhart Tolle _________
59. Watched a little Roseanne and crocheted. Felt good
60. Played some Chopin. Loved it.
61. The birds love it too!
62. They bring me joy
63. And I, them
64. Friendships.
65. L
66. M
67. MA
68. ML
69. St
70. A
71. Mother
72. EJ
73. Birdie
74. JJ
75. Kayleigh
76. Ma
77. The love I found at OA meetings
78. And gave too
79. London! That amazing fabulous week!
80. My wood floors.
81. MINE.


  1. I enjoyed Defending Jacob as well. Good book. Here's another thing you might consider. Especially during summer months when weather is cooperating and you have time off: Volunteer. Find something YOU are passionate about (dog rescue, under-privileged children, teaching people about food, whatever) and give some of your time to it. It doesn't have to be a huge time commitment, but give back a bit in a way that does your soul some good and spreads your wealth. I've been chairing a major event every year for Pancreatic Cancer - something I care about because a good friend of mine is a (very, very rare) 7 year survivor. So I chair the event (a ton of work, but I'm retired so have time) and go to DC once a year to advocate on the hill for cancer research funding. I've mentored at-risk teens in the past. I've taught financial literacy to women getting off of welfare. I've worked in the library of a children's hospital. But I find for now, the cancer work hits the spot. It floats MY boat..what floats YOURS? Just a thought.

  2. I have been thinking that! In the past I have volunteered walking dogs at shelter, helping kids in orphanage, helping kids in psychiatric hospital. I love that you have said this thank you so much. And what YOU do! xoxo
