Thursday, July 25, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. Sleep last night. I had nightmares. BUT I had SLEEP! And I am glad: )
2. Waking up this morning. Yup
3. This _________
4. My therapist yesterday
5. My trees and lilac bush moving in the breeze this morning
6. Little early-morning chirps from the boys: )
7. My freedom
8. That I live here
9. This _________
10. That I stayed dispassionate in my online debate. With help.
11. A
12. That the M thing WAS just a dream. Phew.
13. My eyesight
14. Good doctors
15. My eyedrops
16. Tapering the Paxil
17. Jesus
18. That I am employed
19. That I am implyABLE
20. I just saw someone online be thankful for “another day.” I am too! : )
21. That when I sit at the piano, it makes me feel so good
22. AND – the birdies love it! (They have no taste LOL!)
23. Smiles
24. Joy
25. Books
26. Reading
27. That I learned to
28. As a child
29. And that I can again now (couldn’t for a while after J left)
30. Squirrels
31. The Dalai Lama. I am in the Community of Interbeing, with Thich Nhat Hanh. But the Dalai Lama says things – following them I can’t go wrong: )
32. Like this: “Every day, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up.
33. “I am alive, I have a precious human life.
34. “I am not going to waste it.
35. “I am going to use all my energies to develop myself,
36. “to expand my heart out to others,
37. “to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.
38. “I am going to have kind thoughts towards others.
39. “I am not going to get angry,
40. “or think badly about others.
41. “I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”
42. I needed that today! And there it was!
43. _________
44. Reading Defending Jacob
45. Have others to start after it
46. No a/c on and house comfortable
47. Tchaikovsky
48. W wants to take me out again
49. It looks like I have a date next week.
50. And it is a second date.
51. My dr. likes that idea of me going on little dates.
52. So cool here today. Like sweater weather. Feels cozy. Gonna read. Have played piano…
53. Counting calories today. Liking it. One day.
54. That day I sat with a baby goat on my lap. For such a long time. 4 months old. Just kind of cuddled in and slept there on me: )
55. And J loved it and waited: )
56. _________
57. Or – it might have been a lamb. I remember it was one, that LOOKED LIKE the other
58. _________
59. Books. Books books books books books books books
60. Sheet music
61. That I can read music: )
62. That I have such a good sense of rhythm. Can dance, keep a beat, …
63. Contentment. Just plain old level contentment. Not excited overly, not depressed, not anything huge. Just content.
64. M’s friendship for over 13 years
65. MA’s for 24
66. ML’s for 24
67. St’s for 22
68. A’s for just about 1
69. L’s for 1 ½
70. My mother sounds great today.
71. That I have had the privilege to know people who had “nothing” materially, yet smiled truly.
72. Buddhism
73. That M read the Five Mindfulness Trainings with me aloud the other day
74. The first Royal Doulton I ever saw. And I fell in love immediately! ¬¬¬¬¬I was 14 years old.
75. The smiles looking at pics online of the Royal Doultons I have, is bringing me
76. EVERY moment of happiness!
77. The pleasure I used to get just looking through the Royal Doulton CATALOGS!
78. And going to John Wanamaker’s with 50 dollars, as a teen, and selecting one!
79. The first Royal Doulton I ever saw. And I fell in love. Aged 14
80. 3rd from left, my parents bought for me, that Christmas
80. Front and center 2, my father bought me in Bermuda. First time got any
81. That Christmas, also from parents. Mother picked it
82. In Bermuda that first day, from father
83. And this one for my birthday.
84. My first grown lady figurine. Gift from parents as a teen. It is same as one I'd first seen and fallen in love with 2 years earlier, but different color.
85. J and I bought this one on our honeymoon
86. Only one I ever bought just for myself. College age. John Wanamaker's
87. Gift from gf age 16 or so
88. From same friend
89. From mother.
90. My first. That day in Bermuda. Father wanted to get me a lady. But they were expensive for us. So he got me this. He fell in love with it. Said (although I am brunette) that it reminded him of me. Girl with a dog and a book.
91. I find this one particularly ugly, actually. But mother was in psychiatric hospital and it was my birthday and I was visiting and they gave it to me there. You CAN read the words on the ballad she is selling, which is cool.
92. I loved this so much, and also in matte all white, during my poetic teen years. Parents bought her for me. She was more expensive than the others. It was a real treat.
93. Lynn. My father bought her for my mother. I helped him pick her. Then years later, after his death, when she had to sell the house, my mother gave her to me: )
94. My "Autumn Breezes." The first lady one I ever got.
95. So many nice memories
96. Birds chirping
97. Dr mentioned "sounds like they're talking - like words." Of course it is!
98. Watching Roseanne. Just enjoying.
99. Then will read. And enjoy.
100. God
101. You

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