Monday, July 1, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

1. M intervening during my fight with O last night. It was bad and I almost didn’t get to go perform, or even speak with her again. Thank goodness for M.
2. L just called to see how it went
3. On phone with M now
4. That she exercised today (for her sake)
5. Sun. now. Had long lesson with O.
6. And she introduced me to amazing music. Lots of it
7. And I came home and found the Rachmaninoff too. Which was too hard for me like 2 – 3 years ago. But isn’t now!
8. Great talk with MA on phone
9. And with M earlier
10. I love my girlfriends, MA and M
11. And St
12. And O
13. And Mah
14. This______
15. And this______
16. Tchaikovsky
17. Rachmaninoff
18. Feltsman
19. Beethoven
20. Schumann
21. Chopin
22. Mozart
23. Bach
24. Scarlatti
25. Villa Lobos
26. Schubert
27. Nice people
28. My birdies
29. Sharing with O and her hubby stories back and forth about birds (they have a parrot)
30. About to go meet MA at bookstore now
31. Birdies got right back into cage
32. It is Monday. Uh oh. Must do the 100 EVERY day. Okay. So now.
33. Talking with A right now
34. Saw MA yesterday
35. At bookstore
36. Bought 3 things wanted
37. Will buy 4th today
38. Then M called and asked about dinner!
39. So the TWO of us (they both agreed and love each other too) met for dinner!
40. Had wonderful time! Yay!
41. Then great phone talk with m after all that! Love love love
42. She considers me her family
43. And MA says don’t worry about not having family. You can be closer to friends who become your real family. I hope M stays mine: )
44. Roseanne show repeats. I don’t know why. I don’t care why. But they put me in a good mood.
45. Doing grats.
46. Custodian doing me a favor at work today. Phew.
47. Also I’ve arranged to have my room reversed for Sept. That will be a nice new start
48. **********that I awakened remembering something ELSE about how miserable I was when with J. That is good for me.
49. Might be able to go to museum with L (as friend) Wednesday
50. I have copies of music with Vladimir’s Feltsman’s writing on it! That he wrote to my teacher!
51. My Beethoven 7 degrees of separation: Beethoven
taught Czerny, who taught
Lizst, who taught
Zilot, who taught
Zak, who taught
Feltsman, who taught
my teacher who teaches
52. That means his influence IS there
53. That I felt the other night my connection to piano
54. And to birdies
55. And to girlfriends, precious girlfriends
56. I am, really, a free person
57. My hands
58. Less pain than yesterday
59. Ability to drive
60. My happy birdies talking about ¼ inch from each other’s faces right now
61. That they are best friends
62. That O’s husband pointed out to me the other night, that not only did I do myself a favor and them in terms of already loving each other and not having to adjust to new roommate by keeping them together
63. But I also kept them from being separated and alone! Yay
64. That I will get to make copies of my music today
65. And have a lesson for fingering and such
66. And do my mother’s shopping
67. And pay her people
68. And have a bit of fun
69. And put out some garbage for collection
70. Leaders and followers
71. That my spine and neck are healthy.
72. That my pain reminds me of how lucky I actually am. Can move…
73. Love. All forms of love in my life
74. All forms of love of this earth
75. People who don’t hurt animals
76. Music
77. This_____
78. Skirts
79. Shoes
80. Sandals
81. My hair looks so good this week yay
82. Mascara
83. Lipstick
84. Hope. Hope hope hope hope hope
85. God
86. That I have chances in life
87. Am young enough
88. Got compliments after recital. Sincere ones
89. And gorgeous roses
90. That I do let my birdies fly
91. So much!
92. Laughter
93. Humor
94. Smiles
95. Children
96. Air
97. Trees
98. The earth is a miracle
99. The moon and starts to see at night
100. Sunshine on me felt so good Saturday
Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart we still cling to anything- anger, anxiety, or possessions- we cannot be free.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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