Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. realized yesterday how free I really am. Could do anything I want. Could break into Buckingham palace if I wanted (I’d go to jail AND I don’t want to break in anywhere anyway – just making a point)
2. I feel Mond, and Tues both, like I felt my first night in London, well before London, on way from heathrow to North London – free – free – free –can do ANYTHING I want! Remembered tonight (Tues) that HAD that feelng in that car: ) (Then remembered well am in exclusive relationship with L so not 100% - truth is I would not have SLEPT WITH anyone! But it was nice thining I COULD – no one and nothing to stop me but my OWN decision!
3. My boys singing
4. And playing
5. Me working with them. Because I am letting their wings grow out no matter what. If it means I have to use a damn net if there’s an emergency. I cannot stand this wing clipped stuff. Can’t wait til they can fly again. Anyway, am grateful am working with them!
6. I just saw that my favorite restaurant in the world, Strictly Roots in Harlem in Manhattan, closed. I am a teeny touch sad but mostly so grateful! For the amazing food I got there. Healthy, delicious, and vegan.
7. For the times J took me there (always takeout)
8. For the time he went there for me for my b’day and brought the food home
9. And for the owner/founder, who always said something to me like, “Ah, my special friend with the beautiful spirit.”
10. Garbage collection
11. reading again
12. that as of July 22, I finally have the “summer is here” feeling. I used to get
13. I started a book thread on fb
14. Got great titles
15. And sahred some other people liked too
16. Went on “blind date”
17. Will not see him again but was safe and clean and nice and mostly
18. I’m so glad I went
19. Plants
20. My sunroom
21. Wood floors
22. Water
23. Breath. I am truly very grateful for my breath
24. The show I saw last night. It was interesting
25. Sitting in the LIVING ROOM yesterday and reading. Finally!
26. A reminding me, “Stay level.” Good
27. M. My deep friendship/sisterhood with her
28. Some of what I see Osho says
29. Kairava (my Reiki master)
30. Reiki
31. Typing
32. Piano.!!
33. That I have one
34. And I like it
35. And J helped me get it
36. Took like a year and a half omg
37. And we afforded it
38. That I’ve made a realization. It is not really the past about which I obsess. It is the future. FEAR. KNOWING that will help me CHANGE that: )
39. Reading
40. Walking
41. ABILITY to walk
42. And to talk. I remember when I couldn’t
43. Laptop
44. iPad
45. iPhone
46. will get piece for car, I think, can then can use iPod
47. will get hair cut and colored very soon
48. and then buy a few clothes
49. people have complimented me lately
50. a little makeup
51. my pedicure
52. and if I do the sales, I can get them like twice a month maybe! : )
53. (instead of like 3 x a year lol)
54. plumbing
55. lights
56. electricity
57. washer
58. dryer
59. dishwasher
60. lists. Really.
61. Enough money
62. Organic veggies
63. Organic fruits
64. Whole grain breads
65. I CAN lose weight!
66. Turtles
67. Dolphins
68. All birds
69. That I can read
70. Telephones
71. Waling outside and seeing people
72. Parks
73. Woods
74. Shih tzus
75. Hope
76. Faith
77. Love. Yes really
78. Friends
79. MA
80. ML
81. L
82. A
83. St
84. My job
85. And that I am off now! Getting ready internally for a tough class. While I relax and enjoy summer: )
86. Honesty
87. Honest friends
88. Friends who keep confidences
89. Hats
90. Shoes
91. Pretty shoes (I have like 20 pair – I am NOT an obsessive shoe person lol)
92. Pocket books (I have 2 – I’m just saying I like them)
93. Mortgage almost paid up. Few months left. Have been paying it for a VERY long time! Almost done!
94. Art
95. Coloring. Really
96. Knitting
97. Crocheting
98. Stamped cross stitch
99. Some needlepoint
100. Beaches

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