Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

done phew
I am grateful:

1. I am grateful for the birds being free and apparently happy yet again today
2. And flying
3. And my breakfast thtat I just had
4. And my getting out already today
5. And making up with A last night
6. And learning from it
7. And my coffee right now
8. From 7-11. That’s a luxury too.
9. This ______
10. And this _______
11. And this _______
12. And this _______
And this A fully integrated person has made peace with their shadow
side. They both embrace and accept the duality of the light
and dark within their Self, knowing both comprise their
wholeness, their uniqueness, their oneness with all that is.
There simply are no judgements or comparisons, no labeling
one as good, the other bad. Only total acceptance of what is.
And this, my friends, is the place from which peace springs. ______
13. And this______
14. That the broccoli helped a bit yesterday
15. Heard from M this morning! Nice.
16. And mother! Nice
This quote. (And I think it might be true: ) "Let us rise up and be thankful, for Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." —Cicero _____
17. I am grateful that I have been out today
18. And as my eyesight is changing for the worse, and I scratched my car twice today because again couldn’t see with the glare, I am especially grateful that I can see.
19. And that I am not homeless
20. I am grateful for cheer.
21. And joy. Every minute of it: )
22. And laughing out loud yesterday with M
23. And MA somehow getting through what she has to
24. I am grateful for fb posts from inspirational pages
25. And for good books
26. And for my friend Maha
27. Gorgeous Chinese peacock butterfly _____
28. This, from fb page, “Abuse No More” Moving on doesn’t mean you have forgotten; it means you have accepted what happened in the past and choose to continue living in the present. Moving on doesn’t mean you’re giving up; it means you’re giving yourself another chance by making a choice to be happy rather than hurt. Through all the problems you have faced, the burdens weighing down on your shoulders, the pain in your heart, you have only one thing to say, “I survived and I now know better for next time.”
29. This _______
30. Those who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mindWhen you are down and in trouble, keep fighting. Don't give up. keep kicking. It won't help to wallow in self-pity, or curse your stars or play the blame game. Every adversity has an opportunity couched within. It is up to us to grab it. And what you do when the going gets tough, is what defines your outcomes.
31. The only way you will ever awaken is through the silence, not through analyzation of facts. Not by sorting out good and bad, but through simple silence, letting go. Letting go of all thoughts, all the hurts, all the dogmas and concepts. Letting go of these things daily.
~ Robert Adams_____
32. This _____
1. The spinach I just ate
2. A trying to help with my fucking depression
3. Dr tomorrow
4. Piano practice today
5. I did send O an email letter. She’ll take it however she takes it. I have nothing to lose. PLUS it is better for me to not be walked on. AND I believe, to take this “chance.” Although not really such a chance at this point
6. Tchaikovsky
7. That I was even extra good to the birdies today
8. That my mother is praying for me
9. That I am praying for others
10. That I can eat
11. Swallow
12. Drink
13. Water
14. That – calorie juice water without artificial sweetneners
15. That I can chew
16. That I had onions today
17. Lamps
18. a/c
19. mother – talk with her today
20. the new piece I’m learning
21. that great feeling of starting one. Carefully
22. and it is an upbeat one. Which is different for me. It is not pathos. The last three each had an undertow. Were beautiful! But this is upbeat
23. and I must admit I do appreciate O for it too
24. people who say don’t burn your bridges
25. and – just know whom you’re dealing with
26. talk with l on phone today
27. was there for M last night, even though I was hurting
28. I think she and I will go out Sat eve
29. Painting
30. Knitting
31. Crocheting
32. Embroidering
33. Walking
34. Walking in park
35. How much it always helped me
36. Swimming
37. Every mindful activity. Sort of brainless activity lol
38. The times J would come with me to the track so I could walk safely in dark
39. And all those places. WW
40. OA
41. So many places. Omg.
42. Um. The birdsong
43. That I am free
44. Not under the external control of soldiers
45. Or government
46. Or terrorist
47. Or physical abuser
48. Never been raped
49. Never had cancer
50. Never had heart attack
51. My neck not hurting ike it was
52. Nor my shoulders
53. Nor back
54. Nor wrists
55. Nor hands
56. Nor ankles, like did years ago
57. Opportunities!
58. Sitcoms
59. Liking Dr. Phil’s book, Life Code, to my surprise
60. And liking And the Mountains Echoed too
61. I sleep at night
62. Access to any pills I need
63. And my eye drops
64. The two toys the birds love so much
65. Especially Summer!
66. The 5-ring one
67. And the expensive colorful climby one
68. And how they use them together
69. And how much time – hours – they spend happily in the flight cage, even though I leave the door to it wide open
70. And the smile this is causing me right now!

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