Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. ¬¬¬¬This _________
2. Helen Keller: “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do something I can do.” Wow
3. This ________
4. I was chatting with A. And we each came up with a list of things we like. And I very much enjoyed that! And – came up with so many – and I am grateful for each! Here they are!
5. a/c
6. jewelry
7. spirituality
8. animals
9. danceing
10. making love
11. playing piano
12. walking in the woods, with a dog, off-leash
13. children
14. reading
15. needlework
16. typing
17. pina coladas
18. romance
19. poetry
20. birdsong
21. making lists lol really
22. my friends
23. laughter!!!!!
24. absurd humor
25. that's a good one you just put
26. being grateful
27. walking meditation
28. helping others
29. yes driving
30. holding a shih tzu on my lap
31. keep going
32. great
33. pedicures
34. London!
35. the feel of my birds on my hands oh
36. having company here
37. lighting the fire in the fireplace
38. my car!
39. reading dates with Mary Allen
40. books on tape
41. trains
42. boats
43. planes
44. going to the movies
45. getting dressed up!
46. Concerts
47. Bookstores
48. Modern art
49. Museums
50. Science
51. Oceans
52. Bare feet on earth
53. Acting
54. Learning
55. Teaching! The joy of seeing when they get it
56. Orgasms
57. Coloring patterns
58. Word games
59. Prayer
60. Fb
61. Judaism
62. Hugs
63. Sweet slow kisses
64. Sitting on the beach and beading
65. Making homemade dough
66. Cooking for guest
67. Wood
68. Modern architecture
69. Talking on the phone
70. Photographs
71. Collecting beautiful stamps
72. Walking in new places like bushkill falls, Niagara falls, England
73. Swimming!
74. The beautiful blue Carribbean
75. Singing
76. Especially for the children
77. Or together with a guy
78. Playing in a concert!
79. Vegan restaurants
80. Sobakawa pillows
81. My Sleep Number bed
82. The smell of cedar
83. The smell of lilacs!
84. My lilac bush
85. Crystals
86. Reiki
87. My bamboo garden
88. Trees
89. Baths
90. The smell of basil
91. Linguini
92. Cold wine
93. Letting go
94. Koko the Gorilla
95. Helen Keller
96. That I have seen rainbows
97. History
98. Going to the theater to see plays
99. Flirting
100. Oral sex
101. Intercourse
102. Colorful kites
103. The Botanical Gardens
104. Tai chi
105. Xi gong
106. Mindfulness
107. Coffee with chocolate soy milk (organic)
108. Bergamot tea with a little sugar
109. Designing jewelry
110. My hobby cabinet
111. This_________

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