Monday, March 18, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I made it into work today
2. Mondays are always good, *once I get there *
3. Elephants
4. Giraffes
5. Funny times
6. Sandwiches
7. Broccoli rabe
8. A good night’s sleep Sat.
9. A great night’s sleep last night
10. That A and I made up – he apologized – and we can be friends – with no fooling around at all
11. This: and 90 more makes 101:
1. That although I care about sex, I am not obsessed with it.
2. That I think I shall make love again. Make. Love. Someday… Within 6 months or something.
3. That I gave the kids a GREAT day today.
4. That they are so good
5. And endearing
6. That my piano practice is going so much better!
7. And is so therapeutic for me!
8. The amazing walking med we did today
9. And the great life-talk after. About living in the moment
10. Fb
11. And the posts with fabulous quotes from Winnie the Pooh!
12. And, as I had never read that book, but love these quotes, I took it from the library.
13. And I gave some background for them
14. And they were VERY interested! They knew the cartoons – but didn’t know the book!
15. And now I’m reading it to them
16. And they’re LOVING it!
17. And I am too.
18. And that I told them the truth – that everything I read to them, or any class, I’ve read of course. But not this. So we’d be discovering it together! Fun!
19. That I feel like that detox treatment did something for me. I slept so well Sat night, and then extra well last night!
20. And had – a sort of extra CLARITY today.
21. And that I will do it more too.
22. That in this moment I am okay
23. This good herbal tea that I’m drinking right now
24. My principal likes me
25. My assistant princ. believes in me
26. M’s love
27. My mother and I having great closeness and saying I love you and visits lately.
28. My new (and cheap lol) rose quartz bracelet
29. That nice jammy wine I had last night
30. Helpful people
31. People who do their jobs well
32. J. calling to say hi today.
33. I will call him back tomorrow
34. And also take him up on his offers to help
35. Weight watchers
36. That I used to have a boat, with Ji
37. My body serves me
38. Water
39. Coffee
40. Instant coffee too
41. My sweetheart boys – parakeets: )
42. The chirping they do
43. That they seem to have eaten some greens today – yay
44. People who pray for me
45. People for whom I pray
46. Beaches
47. And that my parents took me when we were little
48. And my grandparents too
49. And my Noni would bring the pot of sauce – yes –
50. And boil water
51. And cook pasta (“macaroni” we called it)
52. And even get mussels from the water…
53. Every time I’ve been at a beach
54. A lot with J!
55. And by self
56. Cousins…
57. The salt water
58. And sand
59. And stringing beads on the sand that day at end of worst work year ever, with J, who had picked me up from school on that last day
60. My diamonds
61. And the love with which they were all bought for me
62. J’s beautiful voice on the phone tonight
63. But that piano after helped me
64. That I have that piano in my classroom too
65. That I found my checkbook
66. Pink. I never appreciated it as an adult before.
67. And same with lavender!
68. That I can swallow. I remember when my mom couldn’t
69. That I did all those things yesterday I didn’t feel like doing.
70. Enough money to live
71. And eat
72. And have heat lol
73. Second graders
74. Third graders too
75. Vegetables
76. My eyes
77. My hands
78. Rachmaninoff
79. Chopin
80. Schubert
81. That my birdy boys love when I play piano
82. And when I sing to them
83. And they don’t flap around when I come near, or talk or put hand in
84. That maybe in a week they’ll be able to fly a little outside the cage. . . I’ve just got more research to do and more work with them
85. Class trips to museums and zoo and …
86. That I took a fifth grade to Philly. That was good.
87. That I am a professional in my behavior at work.
88. Honest discussions
89. That friends call me and I call them
90. I MIGHT be able to play THREE pieces in recital, even though timing changed and instead of having 16 weeks to practice, I now have 3 she said! But still : ) (not my piano, but like the one on which i'll play)

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