Friday, March 15, 2013

My 100 Grats Today

I am grateful:

1. London
2. Today’s drive in here to the university
3. No J
4. No colleague
5. No nervosns alth confsd and lost
6. Differ pkg lot
7. Mapqueast
8. Walking
9. Sandwich
10. Lunch out
11. Dinner plans
12. Maybe will find way even to favorite rest., which is ina very questionable neighborhood and I have never been there alone! But may do it, and get my favorite foods
13. Can get on fb here
14. Am chatting with A now.
15. Birds in front of cage yesterday
16. And chirping so much more now
17. Last night I talked to them (of course)
18. And played piano for them (of course)
19. And read to them (of course, a little)
20. And sang to them. A LOT.
21. And they seemed to really like it!
22. ***Here I am - in no way living the life I always thought I wanted - needed: NOt married, in very small house, it needs work, I have to work hard to support myself, I have weight to lose, I am not in a relationship, I have some eye issues, my mother stuff, lawyer stuff, money stuff, ... And happy. Fine. How did that happen? So wonderful. Wow.
23. Fb
24. This comfy room at the university today. It is usually elsewhere, in a very hot room with old rickety uncomfortable chairs
25. Fish
26. Birds
27. Squirrels
28. My trees
29. Oak floors (red oak, cheaper but still nice)
30. The flight cage
31. The names I picked for birdies: Summer, and Jewel.
32. J. Yes. Really.
33. Gmo free tofu
34. Collards
35. Kale
36. Soup from my favorite place. Caribbean vegetarian (all vegan except one drink has honey. I don’t get that.)
37. Weeknd. I need it
38. Will do mother’s shopping today. That’s good for her and nice of me.
39. Humor
40. Friends
41. Phones
42. Bills getting paid
43. That I can move about freely. I mean drive about
44. And also walk about my house
45. And walk about outside
46. Tood elevator today
47. In old building
48. Alone
49. And wasn’t terrified! (usually take stairs)
50. Lots of walking built in today. I want that
51. And great veggies at home too.
52. Eyesight
53. Tv. Wish didn’t feel grateful for tv, but honestly do
54. Typing
55. This laptop
56. That I brought it with me
57. Parakeets
58. That I did that for myself
59. And for them
60. And got that huge cage home although it was difficult and I got nervous
61. Empowering
62. Flirting
63. That guy at supermarket who called me beautiful a week or so ago
64. Dancing
65. Art
66. Water sculptures
67. Unusual art
68. Contemporary art
69. Kindness to animals
70. People who do not destroy earth
71. People who are trying to turn it around
72. Enough money for food
73. Good sex
74. Good kisses
75. Innocent things
76. Ne pope maybe some peace some healing some anything good
77. My planet, mother earth
78. Meditating with the kiddies (students)
79. Prayer
80. Reiki
81. Meditation
82. Grats
83. All spiritual practices
84. Woods
85. Sterams
86. All the times I have walked with J and with doggie offleash in nature like reservations….
87. Computers
88. Internet
89. Microsoft Word
90. All these modern conveniences. Or – maybe I wish we didn’t have, so more natural, better for planet….
91. That I have been taking good good care of my birds
92. That I got 2, so they have each other, as I am out all day
93. That L is not harassing/bothering me. It is better, healthier, this way.
94. Songs
95. Pieces
96. Piano
97. Chopin
98. That manhattan is pretty near me
99. And that I don’t live in it too
100. That I did drove to the Met by self in Dec.

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